Sunday, July 22, 2012

Review: I Heart You, You Haunt Me by Lisa Schroeder

I Heart You, You Haunt MeTitle: I Heart You, You Haunt Me
Author: Lisa Schroeder
Publisher: Simon Pulse
Publishing Date: January 8th 2008
Pages: 226
Genre: YA Paranormal Romance in Verse
Series: Stand Alone
Source: Paperback

Goodreads Summary:

Girl meets boy.

Girl loses boy.

Girl gets boy back...

...sort of.

Ava can't see him or touch him,

unless she's dreaming.

She can't hear his voice,

except for the faint whispers in her mind.

Most would think she's crazy, but she knows he's here.


The boy Ava thought she'd spend the rest of her life with.

He's back from the dead,

as proof that love truly knows no bounds.

This was another book in verse for me. I really enjoyed the first one I read and I enjoyed this one too. I did get a little more than I was expecting. The story is a little deeper than I would have thought, in a good way.

The story is about Ava who loses her boyfriend Jackson, in a terrible accident. Not only did Ava lose her boyfriend but she also feels she is to blame for the accident. The story goes through the ups and downs of Ava, her emotions and her healing. In the beginning of her morning she feels Jackson’s presence and becomes obsesses with being with his ghost. She wants to be with him always but finds that she can either be with Jackson’s ghost or move on with her life. Moving on with her life doesn’t only require her to leave Jackson behind, but it also requires her forgiving herself.

I don’t know what I expected from this story, I don’t think I was expecting such an emotional struggle with the main character, and that is what I received. It’s a really good story that I felt was honest and raw her Ava’s feelings. I am finding that books written in verse are just going to get emotional. Go figure. This book was definitely more than I bargained for I am really glad that I tried it out.

Ava is a strong character and I felt she was well developed. I really felt her journey as I read it. Ava came out of her shell when she met Jackson and with Jackson she felt she was someone and was a part of something good. She loved Jackson, and she knew Jackson loved her. They connected, they got each other, the had fun together. Now Jackson is gone and Ava feels she lost it all. In youth, this is losing everything and I felt it along with Ava. When Ava starts to feel Jackson’s presence and finds ways to communicate with him, she feels whole again. Ava has to make some tough choices when she begins to live again, going out with her friends and meeting a new boy. This means leaving Jackson behind. I feel that I was able to really see Ava grow and heal throughout this story.

I would recommend this book to anyone that hasn’t tried verse yet. I will definitely be looking into more of this author’s work.



  1. I haven't heard of this one, it does sounds pretty good. Thank you for sharing it. Great review. :)

    Jenea @ Books Live Forever

  2. I really liked this book. I think my favorite parts were the memories of how Ava and Jackson got together. (:
