Sunday, July 8, 2012

Review: Boys That Bite by Mari Mancusi

Boys that Bite (Blood Coven, #1)Title: Boys That Bite
Author: Mari Mancusi
Publisher: Berkley Trade
Publishing Date: April 4th 2006
Pages: 272
Genre: Young Adult Paranormal Romance
Series: Blood Coven #1
Source: Paperback

Goodreads Summary:

Two sisters—as different as the sun and the rain. For one, getting into the Blood Coven is to die for. But for the other, getting out could be lethal...

When Sunny McDonald gets dragged to Club Fang by her twin sister Rayne, she doesn't expect to find anything besides a bunch of Goth kids playing at being vampires. But when some guy mistakes Sunny for her dark-side-loving sister and bites her on the neck, she finds out that his fangs are real—and deadly.

Now, Sunny has less than a week to figure out how to reverse the bite, or else she's going to end up as the perpetually undead. And not only will she be a vampire, she'll also be bonded to Magnus—the bloodsucker who bit her—forever. And forever is a really long time...


What an amazing book. The story, the characters, and the writing style had me hooked from the very first page. This book was a breath of fresh air running through a very aged myth.

The story line of this book is about two twins who have a mistaken identity with a hot vampire and everyone’s life gets turned upside down. Rayne and Sunny are two twins that are polar opposite. Rayne dreams of vampires while Sunny dreams of prom. Rayne makes a decision to become a vampire and due to the right place at wrong time, Sunny gets bitten. Now, in order for Sunny to be able to attend her prom she must travel across the world with the very hot vampire that bit her and find a cure to the bite before it’s too late.

The characters are just amazing in this book. I love the twins, Rayne and Sunny. Even their names crack me up. Apparently their parents were hippies and thought it would be the greatest thing to name twin girls Sunshine and Rayne. Love it! Rayne is a dark and cynical. Sunny is bright and perky. Of course, growing up with those names, they had no choice. Even though they are completely different they are best friends. They stand up for each other, they help each other out, and they bicker all the time.

Magnus is hot and a vampire and very sarcastic. He is a rule follower and is very distraught over the wrong bite. Not only did he mess up, now he is stuck with a blood-mate that doesn’t want to be vampire and even if the transformation is stopped, he may never get the chance for another blood-mate. I love Magnus.

I really liked the way the story is set up from the beginning. The rules and regulations that belong to vampires and those that are wanting to become a vampire. It is not a known to the general public that vampires exist, but they are policed and kept under rule so that it is safe for them to exist. It was such a fresh and humorous idea.

Boys That Bite was a very wild ride and fast paced read. I was laughing out loud throughout the entire book. The book has its serious moments but it was mainly a comedy for me. I think that anyone wanting a good laugh or a pick me up should read this book.


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