Friday, June 22, 2012

Shelf Candy Saturday #16 Fallen Series by Lauren Kate

Shelf Candy Saturday is a weekly feature for a favorite cover or covers. 
Shelf Candy Saturday is hosted by Five Alarm Book Reviews.

My Shelf Candy this Saturday is the Fallen Series by Lauren Kate 

Fallen (Fallen, #1)Torment (Fallen, #2)

Passion (Fallen, #3)Rapture (Fallen, #4)

I love these covers. The mood, the colors, the dresses and the font.  I think they are just gorgeous. I have read all but the last book and the covers really set a feel for the story. 

What do you think of these covers?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi, Jenn Renee!

    I deleted my previous comment because of a typo. Lol. Here it is again!

    You know, you've picked four of my very favorite book covers ever!! I love them all!! Like you, I've read all of the first three books. I bought "Rapture" just the other day, and really can't wait to get into it!! Thanks for featuring these GORGEOUS covers!!! : )

  3. I love these covers too! I'm torn between Fallen and Rapture as my favourite, although Passion is my least favourite for sure. I'm so excited now as my copy of Rapture arrived today so I can read them all!

    My shelf candy is here if you'd like a look :)

  4. I have to agree with you. This is one of my favorite cover series. They are actually better in person. I love the dresses, the backgrounds, and the subtlety of the colors. It is also great when the art for a series goes together enough to tell that they belong together. Great pick.

  5. This is one of my favorite series covers. I love the dresses, the backgrounds and the subtlety in the colors. I also love the way that they look like they all belong to the same series.

  6. Hi! I'm glad you chose this for shelf candy. I think the covers are gorgeous and eye catching. Sadly, I didn't like the first book so I don't read the series, but I think the covers are just beautiful
    Thanks for sharing
    Here is my shelf candy if you want to check it out.

  7. I love the covers for the first two books! But, like Kimberly, I didn't enjoy Fallen and decided to not continue with the series.
