Sunday, April 1, 2012

Review: Hallowed by Cynthia Hand

Hallowed (Unearthly, #2)Title: Hallowed
Author: Cynthia Hand
Publisher: Harper Teen
Date: January 17th 2012
Pages: 403
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Series: Unearthly #2
Source: Hardcover

Goodreads Summary: 

For months part-angel Clara Gardner trained to face the raging forest fire from her visions and rescue the alluring and mysterious Christian Prescott from the blaze. But nothing could prepare her for the fateful decisions she would be forced to make that day, or the startling revelation that her purpose—the task she was put on earth to accomplish—is not as straightforward as she thought. 

Now, torn between her increasingly complicated feelings for Christian and her love for her boyfriend, Tucker, Clara struggles to make sense of what she was supposed to do the day of the fire. And, as she is drawn further into the world of part angels and the growing conflict between White Wings and Black Wings, Clara learns of the terrifying new reality that she must face: Someone close to her will die in a matter of months. With her future uncertain, the only thing Clara knows for sure is that the fire was just the beginning.


This is the second book in the series Unearthly.  The first book in the series focuses around Clara’s vision and her relationships with her friends, this book focuses more on family matters. The book was just as amazing as the first book, but way more emotional.  Cynthia Hand is quickly becoming a favorite author.

Clara is having a hard to as he deals  with the failure of her mission, her feelings for Tucker, her growing connection to Christian, her brother’s attitude, the Black Wings, and her troubling dreams. She is feeling confused and overwhelmed, and in the midst of it all she finds out that she really is and she learns someone close to her is dying. The emotion the author put into this story was real and  overwhelming,  I felt with Clara, and I cried with Clara.

Even though the book was sad, I felt completion at the end. Things ended the way they needed to end with this part of Clara’s life and now she can go on to do what she meant to do.  I also see that this part of Clara’s life will leave her determined and strong, she will be able to move on and become who she needs to be. I am waiting not so patiently for the next installment. This is a must have series in my collection.



  1. Great review, and I love this series. Hallowed caused me to change my allegiance from Team Tucker to Team Christian, and I can't wait to see what happens in the final book!

  2. Good review! I haven't read Hallowed yet but read Unearthly last year and I really loved it. I need to get a hold of a copy to read it soon because your review was so inspiring! Happy reading!

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