Thursday, March 1, 2012

Follow Friday #7

Follow Friday is a weekly meme hosted by Rachel of Parajunkeeand Alison ofAlison Can Read! 

Q: What book would you love to see made into a movie or television show and do you have actors/actresses in mind to play the main characters? 

A:  I am not sure how easy it would be, but I would love to see my  favorite series The Named Guardians of Time by Marianne Curley and Wicked Lovely (Wicked Lovely, #1) Wicked Lovely by Melissa Marr and  Finnikin of the Rock (Lumatere Chronicles, #1) Finnikin of the Rock by Melina Marchetta made to movies.

I never give much though to who I would want to play the characters. This seems to always lead me to disappointment when they cast someone other than who I pictured. So I stay away from the picking my own cast and just enjoy the fact it will be a movie. I know the movies will never compare to my favorite books, so I never go into them with high expectations, I mean no one is going to vision it like I do, so why not just enjoy the ride. 


  1. The Named would be awesome!!! Wicked Lovely series would make an excellent tv series.

    -New Follower -


  2. Oh noes! I haven't read any of those. Just more to add to that never ending TBR.

  3. Absolutely Love the design/template of your blog!!

    New Follower -- Courtesy of F&F

  4. Cute blog, and great book choices!

    New follower!

    Bri @ Kindling the Fire
    My Follow Friday

  5. a Wicked Lovely movie would be perfect!!

    I'm a follower

  6. Ooh Finnikin of the Rock looks like my kind of thing! New follower. Here's mine: My FF

    1. Sounds like great choices.

  7. Thanks SO much for stopping by my blog!

    Awesome answer! I don't think I've ever read that series ... guess I have something new to add to my reading list!!!! ;)

    Old follower :)

  8. Thanks for the compliment and follow.

  9. I want to see Wicked Lovely too become a series..:)

    new follower-GFC-Avry15
    You have a nice blog!:)

    Here's my ff:
