Thursday, March 29, 2012

Follow Friday #11

Follow Friday is a weekly meme hosted by Rachel of Parajunkee and Alison of Alison Can Read

Q: Do you read one book at a time or do you switch back and forth between two or more?

A: Absolutely. Right now I am reading about 5 books and have started about 3 more. I have real ADD with books. Once I am really into one though, I finish that one then go to the others. Generally it takes me about about 1/3 of the book to really get into it for me to call it my one an only for the time being. 


  1. HOLY SMOKES! That is a LOT of books.. I wish I could do that!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog, old follower :)

  2. You have way more focus than me. Five books is crazy! Thanks for the follow! New follower!

  3. You're reading 8 right now? I don't even think I managed to read 8 books last month! (I'm a SUPER slow reader). That's some talent though!

    Mr FF
    Kristan @ Lost Amongst the Shelves

  4. Sheesh that's a ton of books! I top out 2 lol. Usually though, I stick to one book.

    My FF
    Happy Friday :)

  5. Jeez kid, you crazy! =D
    More power to you for being able to keep so many stories straight.
    Old Follower, Hoppin through.

    Jennifer @ A Librarian's Library--My FF!

  6. 2nd time someone mentioned ADD lol. I can do 2 at a time, BUT...(check out my FF lol): FollowFriday
    New follower!
    Happy Friday

  7. That is ALOT of books for one time, lol.
    I can usually focus on about 3 at a time but woah, that's a lot.
    New follower;
    Here's my FF;

  8. Wow, I'm impressed! I maybe read two or three books max, but that's it. :O

    New LinkyFollower!

    Patricia // My FF

  9. That sounds exactly like me. Some books take longer to get into than others.

    Here's my Follow Friday. Stop by if you get a chance.

  10. Hi there :) just hopping through...

    Hehehe, you sound just like me! Yet I just can't find the time lately to read anything!

    Here is my choice...

    Feature & Follow

  11. Old follower now also following through Linky, wow 5-8 books at a time I woul be too confused, myy FF

  12. I am exactly the same! I will have 5 or 6 on the go! I think it's the way to do it!

    New follower :-)

    My FF:

  13. Good for you! I WISH I could read books at a time, lol!

    New follower.

    Here's our FF


  14. Am one book at a time sort, unless there is an audio book involved. Thanks for stopping by. New follower!

  15. LOL! Oh, my! I read a few books at the same time, but not as many as you! :)

    I'm an old gfc follower. :)

  16. Wow! Thats a lot of books!!

    New follower via Linky, GFC, and NB!

    Thanks for stopping by!

  17. Wow! Wish I could multi-task books like you! Following you back:)

  18. I'm almost exactly the same as you. I'll start several books at once then devote myself to one as I get further into it and it really catches my attention!

    My FF.

  19. New follower!

    I'm the same way. I usually have five books going at the same time :)

  20. Thanks for stopping by. :D Made sure to follow.

  21. Girl that's a lot of books to be reading all at once! Like seriously! Glad to know you can do it though! Nice blog - I'm a new follower.

    My FF

  22. Thanks so much for visiting me and becoming a follower. I look forward to learning about more books from you. I'm now following you back via GFC. Wishing you a wonderful weekend!

    The Scarf Princess

  23. Finally! Another multi-tasker! I'm currently juggling 4! XD

  24. Wow. I could never read like that. If not everything will get jumble up. XD
    BTW thanks for stopping by my blog!
    New follower :D

    Aai Marsh@ Books With Marshmallows

  25. Wow, that's alot. I read more than one, and if one really grabs my attention I do stick with it until it's complete. Happy Friday :) Here's my FF

  26. I always read one at a time so that I can give my full attention to it!

    OLD Follower!

