Saturday, February 11, 2012

Shelf Candy Saturday #4

Shelf Candy Saturday is a weekly feature for a favorite cover or covers. Shelf Candy Saturday is hosted by Five Alarm Book Reviews.  
Dearly, Departed (Gone With the Respiration, #1)This week's shelf candy is Dearly Departed by Lia Hable. 
I love the colors and the style. There is a real mystic Victorian style that brings in a sense of sadness. I think the cover does a great job giving the readers a picture of the mood of the story. 
The book is great too, you can check out my review in the review index. 


  1. Oh, my gosh!! This IS a truly gorgeous cover!! The whole design is boldly conceived, and the muted tones in the girl's clothes and umbrella make her face and arm really stand out. Her whole body also stands out from the much lightet background.

    This covr is brilliantly designed! Thanks for featuring it! Have a FAB weekend!! : )

    Maria @

  2. Oh, yes, and I'm going to check out your review!! : )

  3. Dearly Departed is one of my favorite book covers! I love the color photo with so much black and the sienna background. It is just one of the most gorgeous covers around. Thank you for sharing it. :)

  4. Nice cover! I have this book with me from the publisher..have to read soon. Thanks for stopping by my blog! A new follower!

    Vidya @ Books Are Magic
