Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Top Ten Tuesday: Now Following

Top Ten is an original feature/weekly meme originally created by The Broke and the Bookish and is now hosted by The Artsy Reader Girl that features a great bookish top ten every week.

This week's TTT is the characters that we'd follow on social media! 


Man this is a hard one for me. I feel like there's a lot of characters I'd follow on social media. 


Any of the characters from the Lunar Chronicles. I feel like they all have such huge personalities and I would get a kick out of them. I found some fake instagrams for each of them and loved it.

Cinder (The Lunar Chronicles, #1)

Delia and Josie from Rayne & Delilah's Midnite Matinee

Rayne & Delilah's Midnite Matinee

Eleanor and Park/ Levi and Cath. They're all so amazingly geeky.

Eleanor & ParkFangirl


All of the characters from the Backstagers. 

The Backstagers, Vol. 1: Rebels Without Applause

And all of the characters from Rat Queens

Sass & Sorcery (Rat Queens, #1)


Cassidy Blake from City of Ghosts. Because she's a photographer and likes the macabre.

City of Ghosts (Cassidy Blake, #1)


Eliza and Alex, because they're both so artsy.

Eliza and Her MonstersMade You Up


Ethan because he loves movies and such like I do.

This Book Is Not Yet Rated


Taylor because she's also super geeky.

Queens of Geek


All of the characters from Lumberjanes

Beware the Kitten Holy (Lumberjanes, Vol. 1)


1. Also any character from Lunar Chronicles

2. Sunny or Rayne from Blood Coven Vampire Series

3. Audrey Rose and Thomas from Stalking Jack the Ripper

4. Stevie from Truly Devious series

5. Millie from Puddin'

6. Cardan From The Folk of the Air series

7. Jasper from I Hunt Killers

8. Xandra and the crew from The Immortal Empire

9. Simon Wolfgard form The Others

10. Anyone from the Luxe series


  1. Great list! Cardan made my list this week, too, and I would definitely follow the Rat Queens on social media - they would be so much fun. I feel like Thorne would be so much fun online, too. I need to cross Written in Red off my TBR!

  2. Ha, I love that there are fake Instagram profiles for the Lunar Chronicles characters! Now I need to go find them!

  3. I’d love to follow Eleanor and Park just to see what they’re doing now. If ever a book needed.a sequel it’s that one. And I’d love to see Simon Wolfgard’s tweets. He’d threaten to bite anyone who annoyed him. LOL

  4. Ah yes! Great picks! In some way I feel like I follow Cardan already on twitter with the IncorrectCruelP! Cardan and Jude are so funny there and I TOTALLY see them saying the things they tweet! Lol.

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  5. I also featured Stevie. Her vast knowledge of true crime stories and her wit would make for great social media fodder.
