Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Top Ten Tuesday: The Book Hangover is Real!

Top Ten is an original feature/weekly meme originally created by The Broke and the Bookish and is now hosted by The Artsy Reader Girl that features a great bookish top ten every week.

This week's TTT is our top ten most recent books that gave us book hangovers.

I don't really get book hangovers. Very rarely. So I decided to do my top ten books I've read a while back that I still think about today. 

Eliza and Her MonstersCinder (The Lunar Chronicles, #1)The Girl Who Was Supposed to DieThe Naturals (The Naturals, #1)SpeakThe Call (The Call, #1)Pretty Girl-13The Dead HouseRayne & Delilah's Midnite MatineeThirteen Reasons Why

Book hangovers are so real and I don't get them often but when I do its hard to pick up the next book. Here are the last 10 I read that left me with this feeling. 

Aurora Blazing (Consortium Rebellion, #2)Polaris Rising (Consortium Rebellion, #1)Beautiful BadLady in the LakeThe Lovely and the LostThe Grace YearThe Turn of the KeyLittle DarlingsA Tragic Kind of WonderfulThe Wicked King (The Folk of the Air, #2)


  1. I've never had any such thing as a book hangover. As soon as I finish reading one book, however good it is, I move on to the next!

  2. Great list! I've had such an urge to re-read The Lunar Chronicles recently.

  3. The Wicked King was definitely book hangover time. So much happened and then that shocking ending. I couldn’t stop thinking about it.

  4. OOoh nice lists!! I still need to read Polaris Rising! And ooh Wicked King had such a doozie of a hangover! Luckily when I read it, my wait for QoN was a tad shorter! The Dead House was one that stayed with me for awhile too! So spooky, so awesome!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  5. Polaris rising was fun. I need to get to The Grace Year and Eliza and her Monsters (I'm kicking myself because I wanted to read that when it came out and never did).

  6. just looking at those beauties makes me want them all. i did read cinder and loved that it was a fabulous surprise and definitely opened me up to fairy tale retellings
    sherry @ fundinmental

  7. Eliza and Her Monsters and The Wicked King definitely gave me book hangovers too!

  8. The Lunar Chronicles definitely had me feeling that book hangover for sure... I never wanted that series to end. I can't wait to read Polaris Rising and The Cruel Prince and get hangovers from them too :D
