Sunday, January 19, 2020

Weekly Wrap Up: January 12th-18th

Weekly Wrap-Up 
January 12th-18th

This week on our blog:

Jenn's week:  

Nothing too interesting. Read books, played games, watched television. I am excited about Lone Star 911 starting tonight. 

Today was my son's birthday so we celebrated with Asian food delivery and a fun role playing game. That is about it. I don't have that interesting of a life. Kind of quiet. 

Books finished: 

A Heart So Fierce and Broken (Cursebreakers, #2)Little White Lies (Debutantes, #1)ReputationChasing the ShadowsRed Hood

Currently Reading & Books Coming Up (I Hope):
Aurora Blazing (Consortium Rebellion, #2)Deadly Little Lies (Touch, #2)Capturing the Devil (Stalking Jack the Ripper, #4)Bitter Falls (Stillhouse Lake #4)The Hand on the Wall (Truly Devious, #3)

Games Played:

Indigo Cover Artwork

Ash's week:

This week flew by so fast. I feel like it didn't even really happen. A friend of mine will be staying with us for a bit, and it's been very distracting. I didn't make any crafts this week and I barely read anything. 

I did get an apple watch and a new phone which is exciting. 

We dyed Finn's hair for this first time! He got honor roll which is amazing, as he was failing at the beginning of the year. So his reward was dying his hair. It's a really subtle purple color.

And we went to the Doseum (Children's museum) with Finn's cubscouts and we stayed the night there. So that was interesting. Other than that I've done next to nothing.

I watched:
Man this has been an off week. I feel like the whole week just zoomed by and I did absolutely nothing. A friend of mine is staying with us for a little while and we've been watching some things but I feel like I just have been out of it all week.

I started Revenge over again, because I never finished it. And then I watched a few movies this week. Izabell and I are trying to watch all of the "Into the Dark" movies.

Revenge Poster

Anna and the Apocalypse PosterMidnight Kiss PosterDown PosterThe Body Poster

Anna and the Apocalypse: This movie was a thousand times better than I ever thought it would be. Dark humor, zombies, and it's a freakin musical. I watched it twice this week!

Midnight Kiss: This got pretty intense. But it had WAY too many naked dude butts in it. So if that's what you're into...

Down: This one was slow and kind of predictable... It was decent.

The Body: We didn't get to finish this one, but I feel like I'm going to like it. So I'm rating it. Maybe it'll change when I finish it?

Ash's Books Read:
In Her SkinWelcome to Dead House (Goosebumps, #1)Paper Girls, Vol. 3

What Ash wants to read and listen to this week:

Monsters (Ashes Trilogy, #3)I Hunt Killers (I Hunt Killers, #1)Game (I Hunt Killers, #2)Blood of My Blood (I Hunt Killers, #3)Crown of Shadows (Locke & Key, #3)After AliceBioShock: RaptureContagion (Contagion, #1)The Diabolic (The Diabolic, #1)Eleanor & ParkThe Final Six (The Final Six, #1)Girl in Pieces


  1. Congrats on the birthday and the honor roll. I hope you both have a great week.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  2. Yay for the birthday and Asian food sounds like a good way to celebrate. The childrens museum looks nice too, and it's always lovely to have a new phone. Hope you're enjoying the Paper Girls series and that you enjoyed A Heart so Fierce and Broken as much as I did :D

    Olivia-S @ Olivia's Catastrophe

  3. Yay for Finn making honor roll! That's awesome! The children's museum sounds fun! I know in Girl Scouts we got to spend the night at our Science Center which I suppose is like a children's museum too!

    I'm curious about that Jaws game! It's one of my favorite movies and I saw the game in the store but couldn't really figure out the concept of it.

    Nicely done with the reading! Jenn your lineup is making me realize how I still need to read most of those...two series I still need to start!

    Hope you both enjoy your reads for this week!

    Here's my Monday Wrap-up

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  4. Ash, we've been really enjoying the Into the Dark series! Some are obviously better than others, but they're all pretty good! I actually think Down was my favorite!

  5. Happy Birthday to your son, Jenn! I am curious about the new 9-1-1 show. One of the episodes was filmed in the next town over to the one I live in, so it's been all over the local news. Hopefully it will air on Hulu so I can watch it!

    I am glad Finn is doing so much better in school! Yay for purple hair! The Children's museum looks like fun! I enjoyed Revenge most the first season, but did watch it through to the end.

    I hope you both have a great week! Happy Reading!

  6. Jenn: There's a Jaws game?! 😍

    Ash: Congratulations to Finn! Purple is my favorite color so I highly agree with his choice. 💜

    Have a wonderful week. 🌞

  7. Sounds like you both have had a lovely week! I look forward to hearing your thoughts on Capturing the Devil. I have only read two books in the series and I have loved both of them. I hope that you have another fantastic week. :)
