Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Teaser Tuesday: Benjamin Nicholas & The Golden Key by SC Crovo and Red Hood By Elana K. Arnold

Teaser Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Purple Booker. Bloggers choose two 
sentences out of our current read to pique others' curiosity.

Benjamin Nicholas & The Golden Key (Book, #1)
Benjamin Nicholas & the Golden Key by SC Crovo

A Lonely Boy. A Secret Wish. Will a Golden Key Unlock Hidden Magic?
“Dear Santa”…Benjamin Nicholas asks for only one wish in his letter to Santa: to live at the North Pole. His letters haven’t been answered so far, but this could be the year! The letter mysteriously disappears, and Benjamin is ready to give-up until a strange boy joins him in the school lunch room with a plate of ornate sugar cookies.
“Hi, my name is Kalto,” he said clearly despite the cookie remnants in his mouth, “and you’re Benjamin Nicholas.”
Kalto seems to know Benjamin, but how? Lunch gets even stranger when Kalto delivers a message. Benjamin belongs to the Magical Families of Nicholas! His magic is in a key, but Benjamin doesn’t have it. They must travel deep within a mountain to the Nicholas World of Sankelves. On their journey, Benjamin gets his wish and discovers that the North Pole, full of wonders and secrets, is not as he imagined. Will Benjamin find his key, and who else seeks its special magic?
Benjamin Nicholas & The Golden Key is the first book in SC Crovo’s Benjamin Nicholas Children’s Fantasy Series. Cherished legends, magical creatures, young heroes, and dark villains will pull you into the magical worlds of SC Crovo’s series!

"Here's your first gift Benjamin. Do you know what this is?" Delana asked, letting the key dangle from her hand. "Of course you don't. It's my golden key. Now it's your golden key, Benjamin. I give it to you freely and by my own choice." She placed the chain over her son's head.


Red Hood
Red Hood By Elana K. Arnold

You are alone in the woods, seen only by the unblinking yellow moon. Your hands are empty. You are nearly naked.

And the wolf is angry.

Since her grandmother became her caretaker when she was four years old, Bisou Martel has lived a quiet life in a little house in Seattle. She’s kept mostly to herself. She’s been good. But then comes the night of homecoming, when she finds herself running for her life over roots and between trees, a fury of claws and teeth behind her. A wolf attacks. Bisou fights back. A new moon rises. And with it, questions. About the blood in Bisou’s past and on her hands as she stumbles home. About broken boys and vicious wolves. About girls lost in the woods—frightened, but not alone.

Meme scans the scene- you, thick with blood; Keisha, leg slashed, looking now  like she might pass out; James car, parked in her garage. 
"Did anyone see you?"
Her voice is sharp, but not scared. Not surprised, even. 

1 comment:

  1. Ooh nice teasers! Hope you both enjoy the rest of your read!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)
