Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Jenn Vs. Ash 2020 Monthly Reading Challenge

Hey guys! We decided that we wanted to make our own reading challenge. I really enjoy finding books based on themes or things I have to find on covers, in titles, etc. 

So every month we will post a new bingo card that will have stuff to follow. Such as a genre of book, something on the cover, in the title, author name, etc. 

If you want to join us then you can save the bingo card and use it. If you don't have a blog you can still join in! 

At the end of the month whoever finishes the bingo card will get entered into a drawing to win a book of their choice from amazon or The book depository valued at $15 or under.

Here are the official rules:
Challenge will last an entire month. So for January all of January (Until Feb 14th, because we posted this late). For February it'll be 29 days, for march it'll be 31, etc. 

You must post by the 3rd of each month for the previous month, in order to be entered into the giveaway. And the entire card must be filled to be entered. When you post let us know the books that you read. 

You don't have to have a blog to enter. You can use #JRReadingchallenge2020 on any instagram or twitter. 

The books can be published at any time unless specified and they don't have to be a certain length unless specified. 

Here is January's challenge! Happy reading! If you decide to join post your link here in the comments so we can follow your journey.

So just to give an example of a book with a unique or interesting title:

Alien Invasion and Other InconveniencesAcne, Asthma, And Other Signs You Might Be Half DragonDo Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? (Blade Runner, #1)The Hollow Chocolate Bunnies of the ApocalypseThe Earth, My Butt, and Other Big Round Things (Virginia Shreves, #1)John Dies at the End (John Dies at the End, #1)

If you have any questions please feel free to ask. Now let's have some fun with it!