Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Top Ten Tuesday: Our Thoughts on Audio Books

Top Ten is an original feature/weekly meme originally created by The Broke and the Bookish and is now hosted by The Artsy Reader Girl that features a great bookish top ten every week.

This week's TTT is about audio books. 

I decided to split my top ten. 5 books I originally read and then listened to on audio and loved them more on audio. And then top 5 books I tried to read the physical and couldn't get into, but loved the audio.

Originally read physical, but the audio was so much better:

Asylum (Asylum, #1)Splintered (Splintered, #1)If I Stay (If I Stay, #1)Rot & Ruin (Rot & Ruin, #1)Everland (Everland, #1)

Couldn't get into the physical book, but loved the audio:

Reboot (Reboot, #1)Red Queen (Red Queen, #1)Cinder (The Lunar Chronicles, #1)FangirlThe Last Time I Lied


This is such a hard subject for me. I mean I love audio. I read twice as much through audio than I do books. So here is my positive and negative list for audiobooks

What's Not too Love?

  1. Audio seems less daunting to me. I mean I pick up a book that is 600+ pages and I go ack! I see a book that is 18 hours.. and I I say oh well if I do double speed I will finish in one work day. Easy peasy. 
  2. I can listen to audio almost at anytime. I can multitask while listening. I can clean, drive, do laundry, play sims 4, work... and more. So yay for multitasking. 
  3. A good narrator just brings the characters to life. I have had some horrible or not so good narrators and it's like meh... but a great narrator can do the book better than my own mind can. 
  4. I stay more focused. I am so ADD. When I read a pysical book, my mind can wonder really quick. When being read too... I don't know I am just so much more focused and into the story. 
  5. Books that have a lot of detail I tend to skim in books and miss so much. I can't do that in audio. I get so much more of the story from audio
  6. My eyes are aging. They don't focus as much any more with reading text. I have to wear cheaters and I hate it! 
  7. when reading books, people interrupt me so easily and start chatting. With audio... I can't hear them, I don't get distracted. 

What's There is to Not Love!
  1. I don't dare take my phone to the bathtub. So this is where I read my physcial books. 
  2. Not all books come out on audio... the worst is when the first of a series is on audio but not the rest of the series or vice versa... the first isn't on audio but the rest of the series is. I need to do the entire series either on audio or reading with physical books. 
  3. Books are harder to come by or more expensive on audio. Now I do belong to audible, the library, and scribed however I have to pay or wait in line for some of these books. With physical I get so many ARCs, I don't worry about getting my next fix. 

So my final say... audiobooks all the way. They rock! 

Image result for hooray gif


  1. I really do wish I could do audio books, I know I would get so much more read but for whatever reason, after a while, I tend to tune them out.

  2. OOh nice take on the topic!!

    I honestly can't listen to audiobooks. I guess I'm a visual person? I need to hold the book in my hands in order to focus on the story. Even when I have my music playing in the car I am zoning out as I drive and only register the lyrics on a minimal level.

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  3. I was skeptical about audiobooks, and the first few were failures for me, but I found the kind of stories that work best for me and now I love listening to them as I work, do chores, or drive.

  4. I've been meaning to read the Lunar Chronicles for ages and it just hasn't happened yet. This is the second or third time I've seen Cinder listed as a favorite audiobook so maybe I should just go for the audio versions!

    Tanya @ Girl Plus Books

  5. I like audiobooks. They help with my eye strain, and classics are slightly less daunting when I’m listening to them.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!
