Sunday, March 10, 2019

Tag, You're it! Totally Should've Tag

Stolen from The Bibliophile Girl

Totally should’ve… Gotten a sequel

The most recent one I've read that I would love to get a sequel is A Danger to Herself and Others. I would love to see how Hannah copes after.

A Danger to Herself and Others


I think almost all books should have a sequel of some kind…. But I just hate leaving beloved characters behind. One that comes to my mind of recent is… The Accidental Beauty Queen by Teri Wilson. I really enjoyed this book and would love to see more of these quirky characters.

 The Accidental Beauty Queen

Totally should’ve… Had a spin-off series

Harry Potter! I know she doesn't want to write more but man I would absolutely love to read a spin off.

Again choosing just one is so freaking hard so I will stick to recent reads. The Immortal Empire by Kate Locke…. So in love with thise books and this world. Yes we need more of this world. 

An author who should… Totally write more books

There are many many many authors who should write more. I can't think of any specific ones off the top of my head. 


Um shouldn’t they all. More books written, more books to read …. There are some authors who just need to fulfill my need a little faster mayber J Rachel Caine …. More of her thrillers, Megan Miranda… yup need more from her asap… Jenn Bennett… and Morgan Matson…. These are some that are the top of my list.

A character who totally should’ve… Ended up with someone else

I usually like who people end up with in books. I can't think of any that shouldn't be together.


I can’t answer this. I don’t normally disagree with who people end up with.

Totally should’ve… Ended differently

It's not that I feel like this should've ended differently per say. But the ending felt so rushed and lacked emotion.

Comics Will Break Your Heart

Oh this one is totally hard. I can’t think of any. Very rarley and I unahappy with endings to books.

Totally should’ve… Had a movie franchise

Oh so many.

Welcome to the Dark House (Dark House, #1)Asylum (Asylum, #1)Splintered (Splintered, #1)

Top of my list!

Totally should’ve… Had a tv series

And again. So many.

Rot & Ruin (Rot & Ruin, #1)Jackaby (Jackaby, #1)Cinder (The Lunar Chronicles, #1)

So would love to see this one!

Written in Red (The Others, #1)

Totally should’ve… Only had one point of view

I found the multiple point of views with this book to be more confusing than helpful.

The Dreamers

Can’t think of any off the top of my head. I tend to like multiple POV. 

Totally should… Have a cover change

I'm going with The Dreamers for this one too. I don't like this cover.

The Dreamers


I love all the covers of her other books.... I think these two should match! 

Field Notes on LoveWindfall

They should match these:
The Geography of You and MeThe Statistical Probability of Love at First SightHello, Goodbye, and Everything in BetweenThis Is What Happy Looks Like (This is What Happy Looks Like, #1)

Totally should… Have kept the original covers

I can't think of any that I don't like the cover change. Usually it's for the better.

I really can't think of any either. Boy are we lame! 

Totally should’ve… Stopped at one book

Ash- Ugh the Asylum series. I don't see how the second and third book add to the series. 

I enjoyed both of these books but I don't think a second one was needed. 

Tag  You're It!!!!!



  1. OOH, really cool tag!! I would definitely watch Cinder if it had a tv series!

  2. Ooh this looks fun! I know what I'm doing this weekend! Lol! Did you know Welcome the Dark House was supposed to be a trilogy? That's why the second ones feels a little inadequate in terms of an ending! I suppose it would've been fine as a standalone with book one, but I still felt like there was too much left unsaid. I HATE when publishers don't want to buy a finale because of sales! Don't they realize that everyone who did buy it is left hanging in agony over the cliffhangers!! Ahh! It's painful!

  3. Oh these questions were hard! I was thinking of doing this tag, but I don't know if I could answer any of the questions. I'd really have to think hard about them! Good job!

  4. Wow, this is a hard tag. I can’t come up with books for most of these questions.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!
