Thursday, March 21, 2019

Genre D&R: Cozy Mystery

Genre Definition and Recommendation is a feature where I will define a genre and a sub-genre definition and the make some recommendations.  

Psychological Thriller Definition found on Wikipedia

Cozy mysteries, also referred to as "cozies", are a subgenre of crime fiction in which sex and violence are downplayed or treated humorously, and the crime and detection take place in a small, socially intimate community. Cozies thus stand in contrast to hardboiled fiction, which features violence and sexuality more explicitly and centrally to the plot. The term "cozy" was first coined in the late 20th century when various writers produced work in an attempt to re-create the Golden Age of Detective Fiction.


I only recently, in the past year, started to really get into this genre. Actually only in the past year have I started to really read adult books. What I enjoy about a good cozy mystery is the character interactions. I find I enjoy the sexual tension better than the sex. There is usually good banter and very humorous and awkward situations. Cozy mysteries also focus on big themes and little shops and small towns. All of what makes it fun and cozy and warm. There usually isn't any kind of hard suspense or intense moments. They are a lighter version of crime fiction and they are just fun to read. Nice and fluffy. I just fell in love with this genre. 

One thing  I do wish... there were more of these in YA... of course many YA already have some similarities...  like the amateur sleuth... but we need some that are more funny and awkward less thriller type. 

Do you like to read cozy mysteries? Is this a genre you have tried? What are your favorites or what do you recommend to someone who hasn't read any before?

My Recommendations: 

Beaches, Bungalows, and Burglaries (A Camper & Criminals Cozy #1)Pillow Stalk (Madison Night Mystery, #1)Shades of Pink (Lola Pink Mysteries #1)Truly Devious (Truly Devious, #1)Bed and Breakfast and Murder (Fiona Fleming #1)Sprinkle with Murder (Cupcake Bakery Mystery, #1)

1 comment:

  1. I'm not really into cozy mysteries as most seem to involve romance. I have read the odd decent one-if I really like the sound of the story I'll pick one up.
