Sunday, February 10, 2019

Tag, You're it! Naughty or Nice Book Tag

Stolen from Marie from Drizzle and Hurricane Books

πŸ“– Received an ARC and Not Reviewed it

I have received a many ARC's I have yet to review. Terrible.
😈 Naughty

Um well let's see here... too many to count! 
😈 Naughty

πŸ“– Have Less than 60% Feedback Rating on NetGalley

Nope! We have 72%. Not as much as we'd like. But better than 60%!
πŸ˜‡ Nice

Guess we are doing good here. We were at 86% so we have come down some. We are trying to get it back up! 
πŸ˜‡ Nice

πŸ“–Folded Down the Page of a Book

Every time. Sorry y'all I don't consider this a bad thing! I love when books look old and worn out. I don't mind the dog eared pages. In fact I love them. And I can never find a bookmark. So much easier to just... hold the page.
😈 Naughty (Apparently)

This is a bad thing? I do it all the time. I get bookmarks but I lost them. So yup, I dog-ear. 
😈 Naughty (Apparently)

πŸ“– Accidentally Spilled on a Book

Not in a long long long time. I won't say I've never done it. But I don't remember doing it.
So I'll say
 πŸ˜‡ Nice

Um yes water mostly, it's happened 
😈 Naughty

πŸ“–DNF-ed a Book this Year

I have DNFed a few this year already... 
GenesisBlackbird (Blackbird, #1)Six of Crows (Six of Crows, #1)

😈 Naughty

I have yes DNFed one book. Becuase I didn't like the demonic aspect of it. Gave me too much of the creepy's. 
The Cold Is in Her Bones

😈 Naughty

πŸ“–Brought a Book Purely because it was Pretty with no Intention of Reading it?

Technically no? I collect different copies of Alice in Wonderland. But I've never spent money on something I won't read. I have many I haven't read. But I will. 
πŸ˜‡ Nice

um... I don't buy books with the intention of not reading it. That is crazy! 
πŸ˜‡ Nice

πŸ“–Read Whilst you were Meant to be Doing Something Else 

All the time... I used to get in trouble for it.
😈 Naughty

wait is this bad or good. I think the line is blurred here. I mean reading is always what I am supposed to be doing right! 
😈 Naughty

πŸ“– Skim Read a Book

Unfortunately yes. I have. Like a book for school I REALLY did not want to read. 
😈 Naughty

I can't do this. I feel I am missing so much so nope haven't done this. 
πŸ˜‡ Nice

πŸ“– Completely Missed your Goodreads Goal

I just started the goodreads goal last year and I actually went above it. So I made the goal bigger. So no to that one. Yay me.
πŸ˜‡ Nice

um okay for like 3 years in a row.... oops! 
😈 Naughty

πŸ“–Borrowed a Book and Not Returned it to the Library

A kids book I'm sure. I might have lost one or two.
😈 Naughty

I might have been really late, but they always made it back. 
πŸ˜‡ Nice

πŸ“– Broke a Book Buying Ban

I don't ban myself from buying books. I don't buy books enough to have to. (Mostly cuz I'm broke)
πŸ˜‡ Nice

I don't think I have ever gave myself a book buying ban. 
πŸ˜‡ Nice

πŸ“–Started a Review, Left it for Ages then Forgot what the Book was About

All the time. Or read a book and forget to review it. It's awful.
😈 Naughty

All the time! 
😈 Naughty

πŸ“–Wrote in a Book you Were Reading

Only like devotionals or school books. Never books I enjoy.
😈 Naughty


Only when the book tells me too. 
πŸ˜‡ Nice

πŸ“–Finished a Book and Not Added it to your Goodreads

I'm super OCD with goodreads. I always post as soon as I start one and as soon as I finish one. HOWEVER. When I was going through the slump I forgot to. And I'm mad because I honestly cannot remember what I read. 
😈 Naughty

Not that I know of. I try to put them all in there. 
πŸ˜‡ Nice 

πŸ“–Borrowed a Book and Not Returned it to a Friend
Nope! I don't borrow books from people (Except Jenn) because I know I will lose it and/or forget to return it.
πŸ˜‡ Nice

I might have not really sure. I will say naughty. 
😈 Naughty

πŸ“–Dodged Someone Asking if they can Borrow a Book

Yes! I just change the subject real quick! 
😈 Naughty

Oh yes for sure, I hate when I don't get my favorites back!
😈 Naughty

πŸ“– Broke the Spine of Someone Else’s Book

πŸ˜‡ Nice

πŸ˜‡ Nice

πŸ“–Took the Jacket off a Book to Protect it and Ended up Making it More Damaged

Probably have. Whoops. I also have a habit of losing the jackets.
😈 Naughty

Um yup everytime! 
😈 Naughty

πŸ“– Sat on a Book Accidentally

More than once ha. I leave books literally EVERYWHERE. 
😈 Naughty

hasn't everyone!!!! 
😈 Naughty


12 Naughty and 7 Nice. Dang.


11 Naughty and 8 Nice. Well I didn't do too good... however isn't this just the life of an avid and passionate reader!


  1. Haha, I always read when I’m meant to be doing something else. I procrastinate dusting and vacuuming forever because I’d rather be reading.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  2. I'm getting picky about lending my books out, I've been burned a couple times. I DNF a lot, I probably should have DNFed Six of Crows!

  3. This is such a fun tag! I love how taking the jacket off makes it worse hah. I don't think I have sat on a book, but I did roll over half a dozen with a suitcase and that was TRAGIC. And I am suuuper ridiculous about updating Goodreads too- it's like, if you read it but didn't put it on Goodreads, does it even count? πŸ˜‚
