Sunday, February 10, 2019

Review: Come Find Me by Megan Miranda

Come Find MeTitle:  Come Find Me 
Author:  Megan Miranda
Publisher: Crown Books for Young Readers
Publishing Date: January 29th, 2019
Pages: 336
Genre: YA Mystery Thriller
Series:  Stand Alone
Source:  Audio

After surviving an infamous family tragedy, sixteen-year-old Kennedy Jones has made it her mission to keep her brother's search through the cosmos alive. But then something disturbs the frequency on his radio telescope--a pattern registering where no signal should transmit.

In a neighboring county, seventeen-year-old Nolan Chandler is determined to find out what really happened to his brother, who disappeared the day after Nolan had an eerie premonition. There hasn't been a single lead for two years, until Nolan picks up an odd signal--a pattern coming from his brother's bedroom.

Drawn together by these strange signals--and their family tragedies--Kennedy and Nolan search for the origin of the mysterious frequency. But the more they uncover, the more they believe that everything's connected--even their pasts--as it appears the signal is meant for them alone, sharing a message that only they can understand. Is something coming for them? Or is the frequency warning them about something that's already here?

I have been waiting for this book. I love this author so I was really excited for this read. As usual I got it on audio as soon it was released and listened to it the day it came out. (yes I am a bit behind on my reviews) I did enjoy this read. It felt a little different than some of her other mysteries. There was a bit of a sci-feel and a realistic fiction feel. It was good. Great characters, pretty cool story, the writing was just wonderful, and the mystery was pretty interesting. 

This is a story about a girl who lost her entire family in a violent crime and a boy who lost a brother,  no where to be found. They live in close vicinity but they don't know each other. On one side of town the girl finds a strange frequency patterns from space, on the other side of town the boy records a strange frequency in his house. Both trying to figure out what is going on and finding their own way of coping with their tragedy,  they find each other and so much more. Maybe not what they were looking for but what they needed. 
There was a lot of good with this book. It wasn't completely what I was looking for but it good. I think the only thing feel it lacked was the suspense thriller part. The story didn't necessarily need it but I think that is what I thought it would be. It's more of just a mystery. A good mystery. One that kept me turning the pages and keeping me from putting the book down. 

As in previous books by this author, the story was weaved together beautifully, piece by piece, offering me time to fully digest what I knew but still leaving me wanting more, needing to know more. The mystery was completely different than what I was expecting and there was more than just one mystery. There was the mystery on what really happened to Kennedy's family, the mystery of what happened to Nolan's bother, and the mystery of the strange frequencies. So there was a lot to this story and they all were separate but bound together. I felt it was well thought out and kind of amazing. 

I loved the sci-fi feel of this book. I didn't expect it but I really enjoyed it. It wasn't a sci-fi read at all but elements felt weaved in due to the frequency stuff. Also has a feel of realistic fiction with Kennedy and Nolan both dealing and healing. There was a little bit of romance too. 

The romance was sweet and slow and of course I saw it coming way before the characters did. Nolan was always kind of crazy for Kennedy as soon as he met. He connected with her really quick. Kennedy was a bit slower on the take. I could see her feelings changing for Nolan, but she really couldn't. 

There are lots of different relationships as a focus in this book and I really enjoyed that. There was the relationships of past and present. Family mostly, and I loved the focus on the what was and the what is. Tons of really loyal family members, but also lots of broken. 

The characters were really good to know. Both of the main characters were easy to love but also very real when it came to making stupid emotional decisions and really trying to just navigate life when their lives have been shattered. 

I really did enjoy this read. Great mystery. The ending was something else. I felt it coming and yes the main reveal I saw coming, I had the who figured out... just now the why... but it was all explained and didn't leave me wondering for anything. 

Just a wonderful read especially if you like mysteries. 

Megan Miranda

Megan Miranda is the New York Times bestselling author of ALL THE MISSING GIRLS and THE PERFECT STRANGER. She has also written several books for young adults, including FRACTURE, THE SAFEST LIES, and FRAGMENTS OF THE LOST. She grew up in New Jersey, graduated from MIT, and lives in North Carolina with her husband and two children.

COME FIND ME is her newest young adult book (January, 2019). Her next adult suspense, THE LAST HOUSE GUEST, will be published on June 18th, 2019.

Follow @MeganLMiranda on Twitter and Instagram, or @AuthorMeganMiranda on Facebook.

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