Friday, July 27, 2018

Jenn Vs. Ash: Deweys

Dewey's 24 Hour Readathon Introduction

Deweys is at it again! This time it's a reverse readathon. It starts at 7 PM on Friday night and goes until 7 PM Saturday night. I'm hoping I will be able to stay up this time. Since I'm getting past the over night at the beginning instead of the end. Maybe I won't be as tired. Who knows, I'm always tired. 
We're not nearly as planned out as we were last time. But I'm still hoping to get some snacks. And lots and lots of caffeine. I know I'm aiming high, but most are super short and I change my mind about what I want to read so often that I just pick a handful of books.

My books I have picked out for the readathon:

The EscapeCreedCount All Her Bones (Girl, Stolen, #2)Someday, Somewhere

Every Heart a Doorway (Wayward Children, #1)A Good MarriageThe Secret Path (Spooksville, #1)Married with Zombies (Living with the Dead, #1)


I am so very excited. This is the first time they are starting it at night and I am hoping maybe I can get more read with fewer distractions... problem is sleep. I wake up at 6am so I am already getting tired. But... I have audio and a puzzle ready. Puzzles keep me awake... they haunt me until I finish them. 
So here is my line-up

Lake LurkersTen After Closing

Invisible GhostsAll Systems Red (The Murderbot Diaries, #1)Murder & Marble Cake (Comfort Cakes Cozy Mysteries, #1)New Corpse In Town (Secret Seal Isle Mysteries, #1)



  1. I can never plan ahead for these things! I'm a mood reader, so I usually have five or six books going at once. However, I have learned a trick for myself... I try to start a new series or finish an old one when I do readathons. There are sooo many book series I started years ago, but have only recently released their final books. I like to try and knock those out during readathons because I'm more inclined to stick with them and not bounce around.

    Good luck to you both! I have a copy of All Systems Red, so I hope you enjoy it. :)
    𑁋 Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear?

  2. Good luck! I’m doing this readathon, too. I’m currently taking a break to eat breakfast and answer blog comments.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  3. My days of staying up all night reading are long gone I'm afraid! I need my sleep or I feel awful for days! Good luck to both of you!

  4. I hope you guys had fun! I did. Finished 4 books. I’m so proud.
