Monday, July 16, 2018

Genre D&R: Horror

Genre Definition and Recommendation is a feature where we will define a genre or a sub-genre definition, have a discussion, and the make some recommendations.  


What is Horror? (Found here)

In literature, horror (pronounced hawr-er) is a genre of fiction whose purpose is to create feelings of fear, dread, repulsion, and terror in the audience—in other words, it develops an atmosphere of horror. The term’s definition emphasizes the reaction caused by horror, stemming from the Old French orror, meaning “to shudder or to bristle.”

Horror is one of those hard genres to define. There is so many different types of horror. You can have thriller, or slasher, psychological horror even.

But to me, horror is bloody. It involves death and action. It's a constant go go go. 

Where as with thriller it's almost like a slow build up. Nothing really happens but it has you on the edge of your seat anyway. We'll do a genre definition of thriller at a later time. 

There is such a thin thin thin line between horror and thriller. Never mind that there's a million sub genre's in between. 

I'm really picky over what I consider "horror" I can look at the genre on goodreads, but that doesn't mean that's what *I* consider horror. 

Horror anything is some of my favorite things. Movies, books, games, etc. If it's bloody or scary I'm there. 

Some of my favorite horror books:
Screams You HearCampfireThere's Someone Inside Your HouseOne Was LostNailbiter, Vol. 1: There Will Be BloodThe Waking DarkAsylum (Asylum, #1)The Walking Dead, Vol. 1: Days Gone ByeWhat Waits in the WoodsI Hunt Killers (Jasper Dent, #1)

So what about y'all? What do you consider horror? What's some of your favorite horror books that I just HAVE to read?

1 comment:

  1. In the horror genre I love creature feature books with all kinds of monsters ripping people apart and eating them. I like the cannibals in the woods, the slasher plots, zombies. I'm not a fan of ghosts, haunted houses and psychological horror as I find that too slow.
