Monday, July 23, 2018

Bookish Banter: Readathons

A little Bookish Banter to get us through.  Bookish Banter is a little bit of banter about our bookish thoughts as we have a friendly discussion over a nice cup of tea. 

This Friday we have a read-a-thon we are going to participate in. Dewey's 24-hour Reverse Read-A-Thon. We are so very excited and decided to talk about read-a-thons this week. So this brings the question. Do you participate in read-a-thons?

Readathons are the best thing ever. They give me an excuse to lay around the house all day and read. Plus snack and take awesome pictures to post on my instagram. 

I've only ever done the Deweys readathon. I almost participated in one a friend of mine hosted on goodreads, but then I got sick. So that sucked.

But we've participated in Dewey's for several years now, and I always make sure I have off.

This year I'm super excited because of the reverse readathon, so we're getting THREE dewey's this year. Whoooo! 

I don't have my books picked out yet, but I will later today hopefully!

I have only really ever participated in one read-a-thon, Dewey's. I think I have thought about a couple of times to do Bout of Books. I would like to try one of those one days. 

My feelings about the read-a-thons that happen weekly... I feel they are to invite people to read more. I read as much as I possibly can most of the time. So this would only bring in blogging for me and possible prizes. I have very little time to really fit more than what I already do in my life. 

Now I think I still want to try some. I love to see what everyone else is doing and I love meeting new bloggers. I also love all the activities. 

What I like about Dewey's Read-a-Thon- the 24 hour part. I love to try and stay awake for the entire 24 hours, of course, this has never happened. I have made it to 22 hours I believe but generally, I make it for about 18. I just get so tired. But I like trying to fit in as many books as I can.

Image result for falling asleep gif

What I have learned is to keep it to short books- 250 pages and under if I can, graphic novels, and short audiobooks- about 4 hours or less. This way I can at least get 3 to 5 books complete. 

I do get distracted easily and that is what really keeps me from doing more. The activities, my family, the snacks, the internet. They all distract me and so I end up reading slow. I still enjoy it though and I think I will do as many as I can for as long as they exist. 

Image result for must read more books gif

What do you like about read-a-thons and which ones have you participated in?



  1. I have never done a read-a-thon. I seem to have commitment issues, when it comes to that sort of thing. I love book challenges though, which last for a a while.

  2. I've tried to do so many readathons but I always end up having other things come up that I really need to get done. I also have a very variable work schedule so I always have terrible luck and I end up having to work during readathons. Still, I tend to do my own unofficial ones where I'll dedicate a day or half a day to just reading. It's so nice to be able to sit down and read for an extended period of time but I definitely agree with you, Jenn, that the best thing to do is to keep it to short books so you don't get burned out. I hope you both have fun with this readathon!

    Laura @BlueEyeBooks

  3. I’ve only done the Dewey’s Readathon. I’d like to try the 24 in 48. I might enjoy that but mostly I stick to Dewey’s.

  4. I created and used to run a readathon each month on bookcrossing until someone stole it from me. I've toyed with the idea of recreating it on my blog but not sure anyone would be that interested.
