Sunday, June 3, 2018

Tag, You're It! I Mustache You Some Questions Tag

Stolen from Myra at I'm Loving Books

Four Jobs I've Had


1. Drive Thru at Taco Bell
2. Library Aide
3. Call Center
4. Front Desk at a dog boarding center


1. an operator at an answering service 
2. call center customer service at multiple places 
3. administrative work at a furniture store 
4. policy work at a title company 

Four Movies I have watched more than once

Ash- (This is so hard, I'm a huge movie buff and most movies I've seen I've seen more than once)

1. Titanic
2. Nightmare Before Christmas
3. Any of the Harry Potters
4. Shaun of the Dead

Jenn- Only 4 really??

1. The Princess Bride 
2. A Walk To Remember 
3. Any of the Star Wars
4. Finding Nemo 

Four books I would recommend

Ash- (Again, hard because it depends what genre the person likes)

1. The Lunar Chronicles series by Marissa Meyer (If you like sci-fi type)
Cinder (The Lunar Chronicles, #1)

2. The Girl Who Was Supposed to Die by April Henry (If you like mystery thrillers. Honestly anything April Henry is amazing)
The Girl Who Was Supposed to Die

3. Finishing School by Gail Carriger (Steampunk fantasy with good humor and werewolves)
Etiquette & Espionage (Finishing School, #1)

4. Splintered by A.G.Howard or Dorothy Must Die by Danielle Paige (If you like retellings)
Splintered (Splintered, #1)Dorothy Must Die (Dorothy Must Die, #1)

Jenn- again only 4??

1. The Lunar Chronicles - for sci-fi/space opera/retellings fans
Cinder (The Lunar Chronicles, #1)
2. Lumatere Chronicles- for high fantasy lovers
Finnikin of the Rock (Lumatere Chronicles, #1)
3. The Gold Seer Trilogy for historical fiction or western reads
Walk on Earth a Stranger  (The Gold Seer Trilogy, #1)
4. Sunburn for those who enjoy a great Noir

Four places I have visited


1. Florida
2. Michigan
3. New Mexico
4. Illinois


1. California
2. Colorado
3. Illinois
4. Florida

Four places I would rather be right now

Ash- (I'm at work while I do this, so just about anywhere else, lol)

1. Camping at Lake Whitney
2. Swimming. In the pool in my neighborhood is just fine.
3. An old bookstore. I really really want to go to a really old bookstore and sit and read and drink coffee. Anyone else?
4. Bed. I just want to go to bed pls.


1. camping
2. swimming
3. shopping anywhere
4. a road trip

Four things I won't eat


1. Fish. Of any sort. I'm also very allergic to shrimp.
2. Mayo. I hate mayo. With a passion. Ick.
3. Grapefruit. 
4. Swiss cheese.


1. Fish
2. Bologna
3. Spam
4. Olives

Four of my favorite foods


1. Macaroni and cheese. I will legit eat this every day. Plus there is so many ways to change up the recipe.
2. Tacos/burritos/nachos. Okay anything mexican/tex mex.
3. Burgers. I am a sucker for good burgers.
4. Sub sandwiches. Homemade sub sandwiches are amazing. Though subway is good too.


1. ice cream
2. cheese 
3. Asian food 
4. any kind of bread

Four TV shows that I watch


1. Walking Dead
2. Jane the Virgin
3. Grey's Anatomy
4. Z Nation


1. Big Bang Theory
2. The Walking Dead
3. Gray's Anatomy
4. How To Get Away With Murder

Four things I am looking forward to this year


1. Summer. Getting to swim and spend lots of time with the Finn
2. Finn starting kindergarten. It's such a big step and he's getting so big.
3. Fall/Halloween. Fall is my favorite and last year we threw a really badass Halloween murder mystery party and it was great.
4. Christmas. Always looking forward to Christmas!


1. Halloween party
2. Christmas
3. Fall camping Hopefully 
4. swimming all summer

Four things I'm always saying

1. "Can you not" 
2. "You are getting on my last nerve" (I say this one to Finn so much he started saying it to me)
3. "Love you most" (I never just say I love you to Finn, I always say love you most)
4. "You give me a headache" (Anytime John does something dumb) 


1. I need coffee
2. I am so sleepy
3. What shall I read next 
4. GROOT!!!!


  1. Fun post! Love all the questions and your answers. :D

  2. I love this tag! Especially because it has mustaches in it. Tex-Mex food is my favorite. Probably because I grew up on it. I also don’t like fish or olives. Everything about them is yucky.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!
