Thursday, June 28, 2018

Answer Me This: Summer Bucketlist

Answer Me This. We are hoping this will help our friends get to know us a just a tad bit better. 

This answer me this is all about our summer bucket list. What it is we want to do this summer.

Mine aren't anything really big. Well, a few big ones I suppose.
Camp on the trampoline - Just lay on the trampoline with sleeping bags and pillows and stay out there all night

Catch Fireflies

Have a picnic

Go Mini Golfing

Tye Dye Shirts

Go to a farmers market - There's one down the street from us and we haven't been in like a year.

Get a new tattoo - High hopes for this one. High hopes.

Bury a Time Capsule - I especially think this would be fun with Finn

I have many more, but these just seem like the best ones. 


I don't know if I really have a bucket list for summer. There are things I like to do in the summer. I love to go to the pool, go to the lake, see lot's of movies, and eat lots of snowcones. I haven't really thought too much about it to be honest. So here I am thinking about it...

So realistically... 
I would like to watch Doctor Strange, Thor: Ragnarok, Avengers Infinity War, and Antman and Wasp. I am so behind on my marvel movies. 
I would like to go to the lake at least once this summer. 
I would like to spend most of my weekends on my back patio just enjoying the summer 


I would love to get a new tattoo. 
I would love to go antique store shopping. 
I would love to take a weekend family trip to somewhere fun and cool. 

So there is my realistic and unrealistic Summer Bucket List!


  1. Good luck with your goals! I’ve only seen fireflies once because we don’t have them around here, but they were so cool! I camped on my friend’s trampoline a few times when we were kids. If you get tattoos, you need to post pictures!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  2. For me it is read more, hope the sun goes away and watch a few films!

  3. Good luck with your goals! I loved Doctor Strange.
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

  4. Good luck with your goals! I still need to watch all those movies as well!
    Burying a time capsule sounds fun!

  5. Jenn, I hope you get to take your weekend trip!

    Ash, I want to catch fireflies, too!

  6. What great lists! Picnics, mini golf, going to the pool, those were always been summer staples for me. Getting a time capsule is such a unique, awesome idea! And antique store shopping sounds fun! I hope you both get your new tattoos :-)
