Sunday, May 27, 2018

Tag, You're it! Reading Habits Book Tag

Stolen from Kirsty at The Bibliophile Girl

Do you have a certain place at home for reading?

Not really, I will read anywhere and everywhere at home. I do like my bed/couch, outside on the back porch, and in the bath the most. But seriously if I can sit, I will read.


I generally read either on the couch or in my bed. I sometimes read other places... but these are the most common. 

Bookmark or random piece of paper?

Neither? Don't hate me. I dog-ear my books. I don't always have time to find a piece of paper, and I adore bookmarks but I can never keep track of them.


Bookmarks if I remember where I left one or can find one. If not I doggy-ear. I know bad me *slaps hand*. I am just a rebel. 

Can you just stop reading or do you have to stop after a chapter/a certain amount of pages?

I can just stop reading wherever. I used to have to get to a new chapter before I could stop. But now I just read when I can and with a 4-year-old, you kinda have to stop when you have to stop. Or if I'm reading at work, or before bed. I stop when I start falling asleep.


Depends on why I am stopping. If I have to get up in a hurry I just stop, if I am falling asleep, I will just stop. I hate rereading because I read half asleep. If I can though I like to stop at the end of the chapter. 

Do you eat or drink whilst reading?

Psht. I eat all the time anyway, reading doesn't stop me. And I assume you mean to drink in general, but wine + bath + book = Heaven.


Ummm... No not generally. But every now and then I like to grab some candy or some pretzels. I usually have coffee or diet coke no matter what I am doing though. 

Multitasking: Music or TV whilst reading?

I used to be able to listen to music while reading, I still will if it's quiet while I'm in the bath, but generally, I prefer just to read. 
I do sit with John while he's playing video games, and I read. So that's background noise too.

Sometimes television, if it's like a design show or a show I don't have to pay much attention. Now if I can't decide a good show or my book, I will read on the commercials instead of fast forwarding. 

One book at a time or several?

Several. I'm too ADD and my mood changes too much to keep up with just one at a time.
I usually have two physical (One an ARC I have to review and the other just a TBR to finish) 2 E-ARCs (Same thing) and 2 audio (Same thing) 
They're usually all different genres too. 


Oh, several. So many more than I like to admit. I have a bad habit of getting to about 20-30 percent of a kindle and starting a new one or 50 pages in I start a new book. It's not because I am not enjoying the read, I am just impatient and have too many books I want to read. Audio, I usually stick to one at a time. 

Reading at home or everywhere?



Is this a trick Question? I read everywhere and anywhere I can. 

Read out loud or silently in your head?

I've noticed if I'm really into a book I'll start reading quietly out loud (Is that an oxymoron?) I mean I'll be whisper reading it out loud. But usually, it's just in my head.


I read in my head. If I hit a really good part, I will read it someone in the room, especially if it's funny. My head reads much faster than my mouth though so I read in my head. 

Do you read ahead or skip pages?

I am really bad at skimming pages, so much that I have to go back and read the same thing twice sometimes. That's all close as I get to reading ahead or skipping pages.


Nope. I don't like to miss anything. Sometimes I skim if its a really descriptive part. 

Breaking the spine or keeping it like new?

Breaking the spine! I love my books to look old and used. It's prettier and more comfortable to read in my opinion.


I try to keep it clean and nice, but if the spine is broken in and the pages are doggy-eared, I don't mind. I hate it if the cover gets scratched up or the pages get wet. That is annoying. 

Do you write in your books?


Not generally. If it's a book like for psychology or a devotion then I will.


Why would I do that? There are plenty of usable notebooks in the world. What if someone wants to borrow my book, they need their own notes, not mine. 


1 comment:

  1. I feel like everyone is always talking about how they have to finish a chapter before they can stop, so I am happy to discover some fellow bookworms who also can just stop anywhere. It really doesn't bother me! And Jenn---yes to the skimming! Whenever I skim, I just end up feeling like I might've missed something important, then I end up wasting more time going back and rereading lol. So I've learned I just can't skim unless I'm 100% there's nothing important, like a really long description of a setting.
