Monday, May 28, 2018

Bookish Banter: Can You Not, Finish?

A little Bookish Banter to get us through.  Bookish Banter is a little bit of banter about our bookish thoughts as we have a friendly discussion over a nice cup of tea. 

This week we're talking about DNF. Can you DNF? What does it take before you put down the book and decide you're never going to read it again?


I DNF a lot, to be honest. If I'm not getting into the book, or it's not holding my attention, I don't keep trying.

I feel like it's such a waste of time to keep trying when I could be reading other books in the meantime.

Now when I DNF, that doesn't necessarily mean I won't ever pick it up again. I will give most books a second and even a third try sometimes. Sometimes it might just be that I'm not in the mood for it, and I have to go back.

I've had several times where I started a book and couldn't get into it, and then I'll go back to it later and I loved it.
One thing that definitely helps with the DNF is audio. There are very few times where I DNF an audio. And when I can't get into a physical or e-book I try on audio and 9 times out of 10 I will love the book on audio.
Some of the books that I couldn't get into physically, but loved the audiobook was...

The Lightning Thief (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, #1)Reboot (Reboot, #1)Red Queen (Red Queen, #1)The Girl from the Well (The Girl from the Well, #1)Cinder (The Lunar Chronicles, #1)

There are a few though, that I put down and decided I will not ever pick up again. I'll post a few that I decided I just can't, and Y'all can tell me what you think. Maybe I'm missing out on something great, so let me know.

Unquiet Dead (CHIAROSCURO CHRONICLES, #1)Pandora: Outbreak (A Pandora Thriller #1)The Lucky OnesDark Eyes (Dark Eyes, #1)The Road


I used to never DNF. I had to finish every book I started because I hate to leave things incomplete. Then one day I realized. There are way too many books that I need time to read and I am wasting that time on a book I am not enjoying. Yup, so I started to not worry about finishing. 

Now I have two kinds of DNF. There are some books that I stop reading I stop because I am not in the mood, or it's too slow, or I just can't concentrate. I can either pick them up again at a later time or try the audio and I end of finishing it. 

Image result for im not in the  mood gif

There is some audio I can't listen to because of the narrator or I can't stop from spacing off, those I will try the physical book and really enjoy it. 

Now there are some whether it's physical or audio... I just can't do it. I am totally hating or completely bored and I just have no interest in the book to even try another time. OR a book I am trying for the second time and still nope can't read it. Those are my true DNF. I just decided I will not waste any time on the book. 

Image result for spacing off gif

Image result for nope gif

Most books though I try at least twice and a different format because I am such a mood reader.


  1. I don't DNF a lot, like really not a lot but I did it a few das ago for example. I usually keep hope that it will get better lol but well if I feel like that it usually doesn't change

  2. I DNF pretty often. I use my library a lot, so I don't feel bad if I don't finish a book.

  3. As soon as I get bored with a book or realise it just isn't my thing, I DNF and start reading something else. I don't have time to waste on stuff I'm not enjoying!

  4. I use to never DNF because I kept thinking that there would be something that would pull me back in. Even though that would never happen lol. But then I got KU and now I have absolutely no guilt about DNFing, go figure. ;)
    Jen @ Star-Crossed Book Blog
