Friday, May 18, 2018

Bloggy Buddies: Meet Radica!

Introducing Bloggy Buddy where we feature the bloggy friends we love so much!

I joined a group on Goodreads, that helps you find a buddy to watch shows and movies, and to read with. It's a really cool idea, weekly (Or supposed to be weekly but neither of us is that committed!) we decided on a show/movie we want to watch and then we pick a book to read.


I was paired up with Radica (Or Silver as I know her) And it's been really great so far, she is incredibly sweet and great to talk to. We talk every day. We have a lot of similar tastes in books and movies and shows, and I'm really glad I made a new friend.

What's your name or a name you go by?

My name is Radica Raghubeer, sometimes I'm known as Silver.

How long have you been blogging?

Mmmm...I'd say it been a couple years now, probably more than 5. I've been moving around quite a bit, trying to discover who I am in the blog/vlog world. However, I've been on my current blog since 2013, with a few long breaks in between the years.

What inspired you to start blogging?

Honestly, I started blogging because of I wanted a way to record my own personal growth. I wanted something that I would be able to look back on and remember all the precious moments and hardships that brought me to where I am today. (sort of like a diary?).

What was your first blog post?

My first post was a declaration of change. I was trying to grow in the month of November. You can still read that post here

What are some unique features you do on your blog?

In truth, I don't have many different types of posts. I mostly do reviews, but I try to be an all rounded reviewer. I review movies, books, tv shows, k dramas, animes etc. I try to include a wide variety of reviews. I am looking to revamp sometime soon and, hopefully, include some new and interesting posts.

What was your inspiration for your blog design and name?

My blog is called The Viewing List, it's the same name as my youtube channel. I wanted to have a brand, I guess. 
I went with this simple design because I really wanted the readers to focus on the words and not on the background.

What genres do you like to read and feature?

Fantasy and...fantasy.

What were some of your favorite reads from last year?

Published last year or read last year? I don't think I read anything that was published last year, but I do have some favorites that I read in 2017. I loved The Star Touched Queen by Roshani Chokshi, How to be a bawse by Lilly Singh and The Magic Misfits by Neil Patrick Harris.

The Star-Touched Queen (The Star-Touched Queen, #1)How to Be a Bawse: A Guide to Conquering LifeThe Magic Misfits (Magic Misfits, #1)

Three blogs you really love?

K-drama Kisses (where I get all the updated news in the kdrama world):

Zen Habits:

Is it cheating if I say this blog? (Maybe a little?)

Tell us a bit about yourself and your blog.

Alright...what would you like to know?
I'm a 24 year old who is strongly convinced that I was born in the wrong place. I love coffee, can't get enough of it to be honest. I enjoy consuming and reviewing, being creative and making things happen. (I'm also a self proclaimed novelist.) I also don't read as much or as fast as I would like to.
My blog has been on and off for the last few years but I've finally got the inspiration to continue on again. It's going through another phase of self discovery, currently. I mostly blog as a hobby, so I don't really concentrate on getting lots of posts out. I blog when I get the chance and I have something to say about the thing that I've just consumed. I'm trying to be better at it though, and not stress to much about it.

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