Thursday, May 17, 2018

Answer me This: Random Facts

Answer Me This. We are hoping this will help our friends get to know us a just a tad bit better. 

What are some random facts about you?


Hmm... Random facts about me. This one is just a little difficult because y'all already know so much about me. But I'll try.

1.) I work at a dog boarding and training center. I work the front desk and I love it.

2.) I have 6 tattoos and only 2 piercings (Right now, but I've had a ton!)

3.) I was born in Texas and have always lived here. And I've always lived in Central Texas. But I have visited New Mexico, Michigan, Florida, Alabama, and Illinois.
4.) Mexican food is my favorite. Tacos, nachos, burritos. But I don't like rice. With that Asian food is my least favorite. And fish. I hate anything seafood. And I'm allergic to shrimp.

5.) I want to become a dog trainer so I can hang out with pups all day.

6.) I love anything horror, macabre, dark, thriller. Movies, games, books. All of it.

7.) I'm a gamer, I mostly love PC games, I love MMO's like World of Warcraft, City of Heroes (RIP), and Guild Wars. But we also have a PS4, Xbox 1 and Xbox 360.

8.) We currently have three dogs in the house, Luna Lovegood (German Shepherd), Groot (German Shepherd), and Primrose (Shepherd mix). And we name all of our pets after characters. We've had Leeloo, Gimli, Beast, Squall, Dobby, Flash, and Jubilee (Bonus points if you can name what those are from). And we've had more, fishes, hermit crabs, and frogs. But I can't remember all their names now.

9.) I have really bad anxiety, and a disorder called Borderline Personality Disorder. It makes living kind of hard, but I'm making it.

10.) My middle name is Daune (Pronounced Dawn)
And that's it. I have more, I'm sure I could tell y'all but we'll not bore you any longer.


10 random facts... that's kind of hard. But let's see how random I can get... How much you do not already know about me?

1.) I like old things, the older the better. I like to peruse old antique stores.

2.) I like to soak in bubble baths. 

3.) I like to research everything. EVERYTHING. If it pops up in my head I have to research it as much as I can, especially history.

4.) I took piano lessons as a kid, but I don't remember anything about it.

5.) I am a water baby. I love water of any kind (except to drink) I like pools, lakes, springs, anything with water. I love to swim, though I'm not very good at it.

6.) I was born in Michigan but I call myself a Texan because I moved here when I was 5.

7.) I'm addicted to coffee. I will drink coffee all day every day if I could. 

8.) I am a mental basket case. I have OCD, anxiety, and phobias out the butt. (Great mental image Jenn...)

9.) I'm a completest. I have to complete everything I start, which takes forever because you know... OCD. It definitely keeps it interesting. 

10.) I'm a rebellious spirit. Tell me I can't and I'll show you I can.


  1. I love these! It's always fun to learn random things about people.

    Me: I was born with wrinkly hands and they've been that way my entire life. My grandpa loves to joke that his hands are smoother than mine, and I've always thought it would be fun to have my palms read just to see what they say!

    L @ Do You Dog-ear?

  2. It’s good to know you guys better. I love Mexican food! It’s my favorite food, too. I wanted to be a dog trainer for most of my life, but that didn’t happen. I’ve had my current dog for nearly 10 years, and I’ve barely tried to train her at all. She knows “come” and her name. That’s about it.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!
