Sunday, April 15, 2018

Tag You're It! Book To Movie Wishlist

Stolen from Beatrice from Dreamland Book Blog

5 book-to-movie adaptations I’m dying to see:


So... I had the hardest time just picking 5... So, I picked 10. And there's no reason to put a reason except they're all freaking awesome and need to be put on the big screen! Also, these are in no specific order.

Everland (Everland, #1)The Coldest Girl in ColdtownBrave New Girl (Brave New Girl, #1)Cinder (The Lunar Chronicles, #1)The Future of UsThe Call (The Call #1)The Girl Who Was Supposed to DieThe Named (Guardians of Time, #1)Etiquette & Espionage (Finishing School, #1)Life As We Knew It (Last Survivors, #1)


Well, I will only pick 5 because I play by the rules. But because I could never list them all I will list out of my recent reads. 

Starry EyesThe Dead ListThe Forbidden Wish (The Forbidden Wish, #1)The Wrath and the Dawn (The Wrath and the Dawn, #1)The Forgetting (The Forgetting, #1)

Who else wants to play? Anyone?


  1. Brave New Girl would be fun, and Life As We Knew It- I haven't read that one, but from the premise that would be a fun adaptation! Starry Eyes too

  2. I didn't know they were doing Life as we knew it-that should be interesting as I liked the first book. If they made the thug boy in book two nicer to his sister we could get three good films out of it. They keep promising The Forest of Hands and Teeth but I'm giving up hope of it ever happening.
