Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Review: You're Never Weird on The Internet (Almost) by Felicia Day

You're Never Weird on the Internet (Almost)Title: You're Never Weird on The Internet (Almost)
Author: Felicia Day
Publisher: Touchstone
Publishing Date: August 11th, 2015
Pages: 272
Audio Length: 6 Hours and 48 Minutes
Genre: Memoir
Series: Standalone
Source: Audio

From online entertainment mogul, actress, and “queen of the geeks” Felicia Day, a funny, quirky, and inspiring memoir about her unusual upbringing, her rise to Internet-stardom, and embracing her individuality to find success in Hollywood.
The Internet isn’t all cat videos. There’s also Felicia Day—violinist, filmmaker, Internet entrepreneur, compulsive gamer, hoagie specialist, and former lonely homeschooled girl who overcame her isolated childhood to become the ruler of a new world... or at least semi-influential in the world of Internet Geeks and Goodreads book clubs.
After growing up in the south where she was "home-schooled for hippie reasons", Felicia moved to Hollywood to pursue her dream of becoming an actress and was immediately typecast as a crazy cat-lady secretary. But Felicia’s misadventures in Hollywood led her to produce her own web series, own her own production company, and become an Internet star.
Felicia’s short-ish life and her rags-to-riches rise to Internet fame launched her career as one of the most influential creators in new media. Now, Felicia’s strange world is filled with thoughts on creativity, video games, and a dash of mild feminist activism—just like her memoir.
Hilarious and inspirational, You’re Never Weird on the Internet (Almost) is proof that everyone should embrace what makes them different and be brave enough to share it with the world, because anything is possible now—even for a digital misfit.
What made me pick this book up: 
The title definitely caught my eye on this one. A book about being weird and the internet!? That's like, my life!

What did I like about the cover: 
Well Felicia Day is adorable and gorgeous. And I love how all of the colors go really well together. All blues and stuff. 

What made me read this book: 
It sounded hilarious to be honest. It was something that's right up my alley, since I'm also a geeky gamer girl. 

I needed a book for a task in the challenge (Duh) And it had to be a non fiction with something else I think. I'm not usually too big on non-fictions, but this one looked great

What did I like the most: 
Well Felicia Day in general is hilarious. I love when people read their own biographies on audio. They know what they were trying to say and how they were trying to say it and it's just that much better.

With that being said, she was amazing at reading it. She added sound effects, giggled through out it and it was just awesome.
I loved hearing about all the geeky things she loves. Like World of Warcraft. I knew exactly what she was talking about when she brought up spending hours playing in dungeons and raids. I lived that life.

She made everything that much more funny. 

Also, she was homeschooled for a while, I was homeschooled my whole life. So I relate.

She's also just as awkward as I am, and the fact that she's that awkward and is kind of famous, gives me hope for geeks everywhere, especially me

What didn't I like: 
Uhhh, nothing. I loved the entire book.

Would I read the rest of the series/more from this author?
I would love to read a fictional book by her. I think she'd be great at writing a sci-fi book. 

And I just found out she has a graphic novel for the Guild. Oh my I need to read these!

I loved this book. It had me cracking up so much!

“It’s hard being weird. No—it’s hard living in a culture that makes it hard.” 
― Felicia DayYou're Never Weird on the Internet

Just a Geek: Unflinchingly honest tales of the search for life, love, and fulfillment beyond the Starship EnterpriseChicks Dig Time Lords: A Celebration of Doctor Who by the Women Who Love ItJoss Whedon: The BiographyThe Geek's Guide to DatingThe Fangirl's Guide to the Galaxy: A Handbook for Girl Geeks

Actress, New Media Geek, Gamer, Misanthrope. Voracious reader of Fantasy and Sci-Fi, especially with a romance twist. Has a book club on Goodreads called Vaginal Fantasy to celebrate the smuttier side of genre literature. Join in if you dare!

Felicia is the creator of The Guild and producer of the web series network Geek and Sundry.

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