Saturday, April 28, 2018

Creature Feature: What the Kelpie?

Creature Feature created by Michael is a feature that focuses on the wonderful world of fantasy, science fiction, and horror creatures. 


Joining us this week is Newt Scamander, (Fantastic Beasts and Where to Them) an expert in magical creatures and former Hogwarts Student.

Me: Thanks for joining us.

Newt: (Pulls out wand)
Me: What are you doing? 
Newt: (appears to be casting some spell)
Me: Should I be concerned?
Newt: Just hold still (completes spell and I see a blue Billywig fly off)
Me: What was that?
Newt: A Billywig, you don't want to be bitten by one of those. You would be laughing uncontrollably for hours. HAHAHA
Me: Well thanks for that. Today I've asked you to come and discuss kelpies. What can you tell us about these creatures?

Newt: Oh right, a very dangerous creature. They have killed quite a few young wizards. The trick is to put a placement charm on them and then they become docile and easy to control.
Me: Oh really, so did you, in fact, ride one?
Newt: Oh yes, it was very invigorating, quite a lot of fun really.
Me: So can you describe the creature in detail.
Newt: Oh yes, I found this particular kelpie in Loch Ness. She is a large sea serpent...
Me: Wait but I thought they were...
Newt: ...they were horses?
Me: Yes exactly black horses with hooves that are backward.
Newt: Well, I guess it depends on where you encounter them and in what form.
Me: What about the Loch Ness monster? That's a kelpie, right?
Newt: You mean Nessie, oh no she isn't a Kelpie. That's a common belief. Maybe we can discuss her at a different time.
Me: Right, so do they also take human form. I think I read about some researchers stating that fact.
Newt: Yes, that is how they have lured children to their death. They take on the form of a father or a mother and then ask them to take their hands, you see. Once that hand clasp on, it becomes stuck almost intertwined together. And then they drag the victim down below water, drowning them, and then devouring them.
Me: Well that's pretty creepy so how do I protect myself from these beings?
Newt: I have just the thing! Let me get it out of my suitcase. (Opens suitcase, creatures come flying out) No, no back in you go. (Shoves a creature back in) Not you either! (Grabs another by its tail and pushes it back in) Oh, here it is.  (grabs a bridle and hands it to me) Here you go just attach this to the kelpie around its mouth and then you guide it as you see fit.
Me: But how do you get it around its mouth.
Newt: Well at first you have to sort of let it take you...
Me: Whaaaatttt?
Newt: Oh, don't worry you just can to attach it as you get dragged under water. It's fairly simple.
Me: That sounds awfully dangerous. I think I will stay far away from any suspicious looking things near streams/rivers.

Newt: Suit yourself, but they are very enjoyable to ride underwater.
Me: Except I can't breathe underwater
Newt: Oh yes you are a muggle, aren't you?! Well, let's just erase your memory of what has gone on today.
Me: What?

Newt: Just look at my wand and...(vanishes)
Me: Well that's weird I remember walking into this room but now I am not sure why. And why am I recording myself?

Movies that feature or will soon feature Kelpies: 

Image result for the water horse movieImage result for Crimes of Grimwald movie poster

The Scorpio RacesWondrous Strange (Wondrous Strange, #1)Folklore and the Sea (Maritime)Water (Tales of Elemental Spirits, #1)


  1. That was such a fun interview! I loved Scorpio Races. It would be a great movie.
