Monday, April 23, 2018

Bookish Banter: Biggest Bookish Pet Peeves

A little Bookish Banter to get us through.  Bookish Banter is a little bit of banter about our bookish thoughts as we have a friendly discussion over a nice cup of tea. 

What are some of your biggest bookish pet peeves?

Oh man... I have so many pet peeves about anything I do! Everything bugs me! Just kidding, but I do have quite a few.


I am so done with insta-love! The whole "I just met him and I love him! I'd die for him!" 

Just stop! I'm done.

And sadly most YA books are like that. Though I'm noticing a lot of them aren't anymore.

It seems the newer ones are better with it. I've noticed that most YA authors now are making it to where they fall in love as it goes.

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Love triangles-
I bet a lot of people can just agree with this one. No more love triangles. They are dumb and just a waste of a book.

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I saw that coming!-

I like to be surprised and have no idea what's going to happen at the end. But I swear sometimes, it's so predictable it's just annoying. Why even finish the book then?

I also really don't like mystery books that aren't really mysterious. You figure out whodunnit way too early and then it's just *shrug* I don't care for this no

Image result for shrug gif


Gaaaah, I think every reader can agree, cliffhangers effing suck. Especially on books that just came out and you have to wait AT LEAST A YEAR BEFORE THEY COME OUT. Kill me.

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Whiny poor me characters-

I understand some of these characters have had crappy lives, and it all sucks. But grow from it, don't sit back and whine and cry about it. Grow up.

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So there's my top five. I'm sure there's more, but we'll leave it there.


So I have many of the same as Ash but not all the same. I do differ on a few. 

So cliffhangers, though they are annoying, I don't mind them as long as I am aware so I can plan to read when I have the next one in my hands ready to go. 

Insta love, yeah not my favorite but again not as annoying as some like love triangles! 

I hate love triangles. I feel they have no place in stories and really how many teens have had love triangles in their life. I never did. I can't see this as a thing. 

I hate that someone always has to lose. I usually like both choices in a love triangle and have to find a way to get over feeling pity for the one with a broken heart.
If we want some drama just have the best friend and the love interest fighting for the attention. That makes a whole lot of sense. OR just find another way to have drama! 

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Let's talk about absentee parents. I mean really can we not have healthy family support in teen books. I know that we should show all sides of things, yeah I get that. But I am a parent and I know lots of parents and they were never this absentee in their kids' lives. I also get the books about are about teen characters so they focus on their lives not the lives of the parents... just stick them in there for the healthy where have you been and I am here for you type of scenes... really!

Image result for no parents gif

Okay so my next one I feel stupid for putting this in here because I choose to read YA but can we stop with all the teen angst. I know that teens (having been one and having raised two) have issues. They are confused and angry and all that but lets make a positive read. Let's show those that can be strong and fearless and ready to take on the world. We need more of these type of characters. 

So next on my list, cliche characters, cookie-cutter characters, the expected character.

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Not everyone fits into a category and not everyone that you think fits in a category is the same. Can we not do the whole cheerleader mean girl, the loner bad boy, the book smart nerd with glasses, the miss good girl thing all the time. Let's give these characters layers!!!!! We all have layers so let's make characters with layers. 

Okay, one last thing I will add to my hate list. I do not like the entire feelings/no feelings. Let's not talk and have a miscommunication, or I can't tell you how I feel because I don't want to ruin things. 

I can't stand these type of love stories... if that is what you want to call them. For sure the wishy-washy thing... yea lets not do this. Again let's show strength in our characters. The miscommunication or not listening and just assuming thing. So annoying. Come really just spit it out and just listen. The I can't tell you I love you because then I will lose you... well whats worse being forced to move on or living in pretend land forever because you can't deal. Love is always a risk and is never worth it if you don't take the chance. So just buck up and spit it out people! 

So those are my pet peeves. 

What really peeves you off in books? Please share with us. Let's get it all out in the open!


  1. YES to this whole post. I don’t like miscommunication plotlines. If all of a character’s problems can be solved with 1 conversation, I’m going to get annoyed.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  2. I don't like when a whole book hinges on a miscommunication that could have easily been cleared up. I also don't need a love story in every book I read, especially fantasy type novels where the MC is supposed to be saving the world or learning about their new powers or whatever. Maybe focus on the task at hand instead of swooning over some guy's eyes, LOL!

  3. Insta-love and love triangles may be my least favorite tropes. It would be hard to pick which one I dislike more, but I'm going to say insta-love because I love seeing a relationship between two characters slowly develop. I'm all about the slow burn.

  4. For me, it's all about how the author does it. Yes, cliff hangers are annoying, but expected when it comes to series. I am ok with love triangles, but I don't like when they involve siblings. For example, two brothers vying for the same girl, and the brothers end up hating each other. So uncomfortable for everyone. I absolutely will not read a YA book with a teacher-student romance. It doesn't bother me in NA or adult books, but it does in YA. I guess I just want to see the characters grow and change for the better. If there is girl-on-girl hate, I don't like it while it's happening, but if the characters develop and are better people at the end of the book or friends and whatnot, that's ok.

  5. I stopped reading YA because of instaluv, love triangles and squares, mean girls bully poor heroine, 14 year olds with soulmates, whiny girls and arrogant guys. I hate zombie deniers-y'know, they see a half eaten dead guy get up and eat their friends cat and comment that this guy has issues or is on drugs! All sex no plot drives me mad.
