Friday, April 20, 2018

Bloggy Buddies: Meet Greg

Introducing Bloggy Buddy where we feature the bloggy friends we love so much!

Greg is a new blog for me. I started following him this year when Ash and I started the blog back up again. I love visiting his blog and we share a lot of the same likes in books. I am just now reaching out to more adult so I like to watch for the reviews and spotlights he has for adult books. Same with YA contemporary. They are new to me too. So Greg seems to have a lot of great recommendations. He is a super nice blogger and so very likable. We just adore you Greg! So meet Greg. 

How long have you been blogging?

I've been blogging since roughly 2013 although I created the blog in 2012- it took me a while to figure out what I wanted it to be. :) 

What inspired you to start blogging?

I think my inspiration for blogging was the same as a lot of others'- I didn't really have an outlet to talk books like I wanted to. People in my life like books more or less to some extent, but the book blog community is amazing and there is so much opportunity here to discuss books at length. Plus all the discussions and other activities. It's just amazing and awesome if you're a reader. 

What was your first blog post?

Ooh let's see- my earliest post is a review for 13 Treasures by Michelle Harrison. I love that book! 

What are some unique features you do on your blog?

Let's see- I do Bookcover spotlights every week on Friday, and Tuesday Tagline every Tuesday. I love highlighting covers and fun/ interesting taglines. 

My inspiration for Tuesday Tagline was actually a tagline feature that Downright Dystopian used to do, but she doesn't do it anymore to my knowledge. So I came up with my own version. 

Also I do occasional Bookstore Spotlights, where I look at indie bookstores in my home state of Michigan. 

And... I've recently started a feature called Movies That Suck, where I "review" (use that term loosely) bad movies. Or even good movies that I just want to rip on a little bit? But it's all in good fun. 

What was your inspiration for your blog design and name?

I kinda vacillated on what to call the blog, but I recently updated my ABOUT page and that kind of sums it up. I want my site to be a haven of sorts, not only for me but also for readers who come looking for recommendations, reviews, or just to talk books. Plus to find comic reviews, cool covers, and whatever. 

What genres do you like to read and feature?

My go-to genre has always been fantasy- huge Game of Thrones fan- but science fiction as well. And I have expanded my horizons big time since I started blogging. I now read a ton of psychological thrillers, as well as YA contemporaries and urban fantasy.  

What were some of your favorite reads from last year?

Oh let's see. The Shark Club by Ann Kidd Taylor was absolutely one of my favorites of 2017- a contemporary but more adult than YA. It's about second chance love and relationships with a nice dose of marine conservation and- sharks! 

The Shark Club

I was also very fond of All Systems Red by Martha Wells and The Secret History of Us by Jessi Kirby. 

All Systems Red (The Murderbot Diaries, #1)The Secret History of Us

Three blogs you really love?

Ooh, tough one. Not really but hard to pick just three! 

I'll go with It Starts At Midnight, The Bibliosanctum, and LaLa in the Library. 

Shannon at It Starts At Midnight runs a great blog with amazing content, she's a good friend and she loves the 100! 

It Starts at Midnight

Mogsy at The bibliosanctum has amazing science fiction reviews and I always find books there I want to try. 

And LaLa may be the most helpful blogger I've come across, especially to newer blogs. She's super nice. 


And lastly, tell us a bit about yourself and your blog.

Well, I'm Greg and I like to read way too much! Used bookstores are probably my favorite place to be, I love the smell of old books and perusing a shelf full of old fantasy and science fiction is one of my favorite things! I have a degree in psychology and went to law school but I don't do either of those things. Funny how that happens. And I love to talk books and movies (or anything bookish) with like-minded people! I could live on pizza and Chinese food if I could get away with it, and I love writing and tend to indulge in flash fiction or short stories on the blog from time to time. 

Thanks Greg! Everyone should hope over to his blog and check it out. I actually love his feature Movies that Suck. It's a lot of fun. Although most of the movies I see on there I love... what does that say about me? 


  1. I love Greg's blog! He is so friendly, as well. I'm glad I'm getting to know him better here, I didn't know we both have psychology degrees!

  2. As a big fan of Greg's blog also, I love this! So interesting to get to know him and his blog better through this. What a great feature!

  3. Aww thanks you guys for having me! I'm so glad to have found your blog too, love your content. Plus you guys are some of the nicest bloggers out there. Thanks again!!! This was fun :)

  4. I love the meaning behind the blog name! And I don't think I realized you have a degree in psychology, Greg? It is funny how that sort of thing seems to happen to so many people though lol.

    Great interview, I love visiting Greg's blog!

  5. Great interview with the very cool Greg, and it's great to see a new blog too! Happy Sunday to everyone! Hugs...RO

  6. I really enjoy Greg's blog. He has great taste in books. Thank you for highlighting Greg! It's always nice to get to know our fellow blogging buddies better. :-)

  7. Awww, yay for spotlighting Greg this week! He's one of my favorite bloggers too. He always has great content and he's super friendly. Oh and he loves Star Wars and The 100 too!

  8. I think it ate my comment... so I'll try again... Greg and I recently have been hopping back and forth on each others blogs so It was nice to learn about his blog name and some of his background! I love posts like these!

  9. How neat that you interview your blogging buddies. Greg has a neat blog.
