Thursday, April 19, 2018

Answer Me This: What Else Do You Like To Do?

Answer Me This. We are hoping this will help our friends get to know us a just a tad bit better. 

Besides reading, what do you like to do?

I have a lot of hobbies actually, most are ones that I started and did for a while but didn't pick back up, but that doesn't mean that I don't want to!

So my hobbies...

Watching movies.
I absolutely love watching movies. I think besides reading movies are one of my favorite things. I prefer watching movies at home, usually curled up with hubby. Or blogging. But I have actually been to see more movies than usual in the last few months.
It's gotten to the point where I'm actually tempted to get the cinemark movie club thing because it would still save us some money.
We have Netflix, hulu, Vudu, and amazon prime movies that we can watch on so we have lots of opportunities to watch. 

Binge watching TV shows.
Like I said, we have netflix, hulu and amazon prime so I pick one show and just binge watch it. I can do this for hours straight, usually while blogging. 

Obviously y'all should know that, one of my biggest passions is photography. All of the memes and headers (Or whatever they're called) for each post, I've taken. 
I don't currently have a camera, or time for photography sadly, but I really do miss it. 
Here are some of my absolute favorite photos I've taken (Click the photo to see bigger)

Little Talks by SkysofdreamsBluebonnets by SkysofdreamsMy Love by SkysofdreamsFairyLand by SkysofdreamsIt will Rain by SkysofdreamsLess taken by SkysofdreamsGrama's stuff. by SkysofdreamsBroken Dreams by Skysofdreams

Jewelry Making
This is one of those that I stopped doing for a while. I made a lot when I was pregnant with Finn and some after that of course. We had it packed up for a while. I would love to get back into it, but like I said, I rarely have time for that kind of stuff anymore.
Between reading, watching movies to review, blogging, working, house stuff, being a mom and a wife. Life is a bit tough. But maybe I can get back into it at some point.
Here's a few I've made (They are my older stuff, so not as great)

I also really like to cook, and do crafts. I don't have many pictures of those though. But yeah, I'm sure I have lots more stuff that I like but this is it for now. 

I love all kinds of gaming. Video gaming, board gaming, roleplaying. I love it all!

We recently did a whole post on favorite games, but here's a few of mine from there 

Final Fantasy XLeft 4 Dead - Game of the Year Edition -Xbox 360Call of Duty: Black Ops - Xbox 360
Related imageImage result for the simsImage result for minecraft
Image result for mysteriumImage result for last night on earthImage result for sushi go

I'm also huge into makeup, which I'm sure most people know by now. I have a whole ton, and I even have a vanity and an entire area dedicated to my makeup, in our room.

So there's more that I like, camping, hiking, costumes, shooting guns, lots of other stuff. But these are my most favorite. 

I am kind of a boring person. Not too  many hobbies. I do like to watch television. We DVR tons of shows and we also binge on Netflix and on Hulu. I could name all my favorites but we would be here for a very long time.

I do try to stay caught up on all my house design shows. So many of those I watch and also binge on new ones I discover. I am so glad they brought back Trading Spaces. I also like to stay caught up on Survivor, Walking Dead, How to Get away with Murder and 911. There are so so many though. Recently my hubby and I discovered Siren and Lost in Space.

Trading Spaces PosterSurvivor PosterThe Walking Dead PosterHow to Get Away with Murder Poster9-1-1 PosterSiren PosterLost in Space Poster

I also like to play board games. We have a ton which we did a answer me this on prior. So I won’t rehash all of that. We did however play Sushi Go Party last night and I enjoyed it very much.

Image result for sushi go party

I like to shop… really for the house. I love to design the rooms and think about what else I can add or do. I like to shop for all the accessories for a room and just keep making it home.

Image result for house decorating gif

I used to scrapbook all the time, but that hasn’t been done in years. Lack of organization, time, and space. I am hoping this year to make it a goal to get all organized now that I have the space.

Image result for scrapbook gifs

I love to camp when I can. It’s fun. I like to be outdoors. Camping, sometimes hiking, going to the lake. Its peaceful and I love it.

Related image

If I had the money and the time I think I would cosplay. I love to watch cosplay shows and I have been to a couple of conventions where we dressed up. We also like to go all out for Halloween the years we can. Dressing up is so much fun.

I do like to entertain. Although its not all the time because it stresses me out. But I like to plan game nights and parties. I like to do theme parties. The last one was for Ash birthday- unicorn themed… before that was Halloween. We had a murder mystery party which was so much fun.

I mean really planning things is a hobby of it’s own. Lists and lists and lists and planning and planning and planning.

I love go out to eat. I love to find new things to do and visit.

I really wish I could more than I do. Lack of time keeps me from doing a lot of it and oh the lack of money too.


  1. Beautiful photos! I love photography, too. My husband and I also liked going to the movies. We got an AMC membership, because as much as we go, the points add up fast!

  2. I used to make a lot of jewelry, too! I stopped because I got busy with other things. I haven’t had a gaming computer since I was a teenager, but I loved The Sims back then. My only non-reading hobby right now is hiking. I can’t wait for the snow to melt and the trails to open.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  3. I watch a lot of TV, read and watch dvds. That is as exciting as my life gets but I like it! I do keep news scrapbooks which I've been doing since 1994. It is very time consuming though and I am tiring of it!
