Thursday, March 29, 2018

Wee Reads: The Hiccupotamus by Aaron Zenz

Ever since Finn was born, and even before then, we would read to him. We wanted to show him reading from an early age. Now he loves us to read the same books, over, and over, and over. But it is the sweetest thing, when he likes to pick out a book and climb into our laps. 

The HiccupotamusThe Hiccupotamus by Aaron Zenz


HIC! HIC! HIC! What's worse than a chronic case of the hiccups? How about a HIPPO with a chronic case of the hiccups? Is there any cure, or are those hiccups doomed to stay? vibrant illustrations, spirited text, and unforgettable characters unite in this exciting debut work from talented author/illustrator Aaron Zens.

Do you like this book?
Yeah because he has the hiccups the entire time! Then everyone got hiccups!

What's your favorite part of the book?
When they put him in the water with the octopus and he got scared! It made me feel silly because I really don't like hiccups. I just love this book and I hope his hiccups go away soon!

What do you think of the cover?
I like it because he hiccuped and scared the bug. I love bugs.

Do you want me to read it again?

This is a really fun book to read, because it's all rhymes. Everything you read is a rhyme. The whole book is just about him trying to get rid of the hiccups. And when he finally does get rid of them, everyone else who helped him had the hiccups. Cute book with great illustrations and insanely fun to read.

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Aaron Zenz is the author and illustrator of The Hiccupotamus. He is the illustrator of 9 additional children's books as well.
Aaron lives in West Michigan. In addition to writing and illustrating, he also frequently visits schools and libraries where he inspires kids to read and write through fun, interactive programs."

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