Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Teaser Tuesday: Last Night by Kerry Wilkinson and Risen by Cole Gibsen

Teaser Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by Books and a Beat. Bloggers choose two

sentences out of our current read to peak others' curiosity.

Last Night
Last Night by Kerry Wilkinson

It’s the early hours of the morning and Rose Denton wakes up behind the steering wheel of her car. She’s off the road, through a hedge and in a field.

There’s blood on the windscreen and bonnet – but it’s not hers and there’s no sign of anything or anyone she might have hit. The last thing she remembers is being in a hotel on a business trip but now she’s miles away.

Back home and her daughter’s boyfriend is missing. The last thing he did was argue with Rose over money. He left no note, no text, no clue as to his whereabouts.

The police have questions – and so does Rose’s family. But those are little compared to the ones she has for herself.

What happened last night? And, perhaps more importantly, does she really want to know the answer?

"There's blood on my windscreen. It's in the corner, a few speckled spots and then a thicker pool towards the bottom. "

Ash's Thoughts:
Just started this one, and let me tell you, I am super excited about it! 

Risen (Blood Eternal, #1)
Risen by Cole Gibsen 

My aunt has been kidnapped by vampires, and it’s up to me to save her. Only…I had no idea vampires existed. None. Nada. I’m more of a reader than a fighter, and even though I’d been wishing to escape my boring existence in the middle of nowhere, I’d give anything to have it back now if it meant my aunt was safe.

Then there’s the vampire Sebastian, who seems slightly nicer than most of the bloodsuckers I’ve run into so far. Yes, he’s the hottest being I’ve ever come across, but there’s no way I can trust him. He swears he’s helping me get answers, but there’s more to his story. Now I’m a key pawn in a raging vampire war, and I need to pick the right ally.

But my chances of surviving this war are slim at best, when the side I choose might be the one that wants me dead the most.

My Breath catches in my Throat. I'm seventeen, I've barely left these stupid woods, and now I'm going to die in them. 

Jenn's Thoughts:

Just started this book. Barely into it. I am hoping I love it, I am in need for a good vampire book. 


  1. Oh wow..both of these sound good but the first really hooked me with the synopsis!

  2. Ooh nice teasers! That last one though has me reeling!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  3. Oh, I've been interested in Risen because beautiful cover + vampires! So I'm glad to hear you love it so far!
