Monday, March 26, 2018

Bookish Banter: Please Be Quiet I am Reading!!!

A little Bookish Banter to get us through.  Bookish Banter is a little bit of banter about our bookish thoughts as we have a friendly discussion over a nice cup of tea. 

Do you read in silence? Or can you listen to music while you read a great book? Does background sound bother you?

I actually really don't have a hard time with background noise while reading. I used to be able to listen to music and sing along while I read. I can't do that as much anymore, at least not the singing along part. I can have music on as long as it isn't too loud.

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A lot of times I will read in the bath, and I'll have my music on quietly, so it's background noise but not distracting. 

I will read while John is playing video games a lot too, so I will either hear the shooting in the games, or zombies, or whatever he is playing. Or I will hear him talking to other people online while he is playing.

I will admit if he is playing a game I like (Like Last of Us recently), then I will get a bit more distracted from my book and I'll watch him for a bit before remembering that I was reading. Oops!

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I don't like quiet in my life at all. I almost always have to have background noise or I feel like I will panic.

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So whether it be John in the background, Finn watching his show, my industrial fan, or some music playing softly, I have to have some sort of noise.


I have to read in silence for the most part. 

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I get distracted so so easily. I could listen to music if its low and its not songs I know. If it's songs I know or if it is too loud.... I either sing along with it or its so loud I can't hear the words from the book in my head. 

I can also read with low background noises such as the television... if its not a show I am interested in, video games... since I really don't care if I am not playing, or people talking... if they are not loud or have something interesting to say. If I can chime in I will. I always have soemthing to say.....

Most of the time when I read at night. My hubby will watch one of his shows that I don't watch. He keeps it down quiet. Every now and then I will look up and get distracted for a few moments. That is why it can't be a show I normally watch or like. 

I try and tune everything out when I read but I have concentration issues as it is. So when I read I have too basic responses to everything around me... 

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I don't like to be bothered when I am reading. I want to be left alone in the quiet so I can read my wonderful book, be with my best friends, and enjoy the journey. 

So.. oh yea the question. No I can't listen to music while I read..I can't watch TV while I read... and I definitely can't talk to you!  I am busy reading!

Can you listen to music while you read, watch television too, have a conversation? Or do you need silence?


  1. I can read with background noise, usually it's the tv or my husband's video games!

  2. It sort of depends on my mood really. Sometimes I keep the news on while I read in case any breaking news comes through, sometimes I put on a favourite film, sometimes total silence or music.
