Monday, March 19, 2018

Bookish Banter: Do you Automatically Add Books By Beloved Authors?

A little Bookish Banter to get us through.  Bookish Banter is a little bit of banter about our bookish thoughts as we have a friendly discussion over a nice cup of tea. 

When you find a new favorite author, do you automatically add all books by them to your TBR?


Not going to lie, I have found a new favorite author and added every single book by them to my TBR.

Usually, I have to read two or three that I absolutely love being doing so.
If I've read three books by that author and loved every single one, then I most definitely am adding the rest to my TBR.

I know some that I even add their children's books to my TBR because they are just that good.

The latest ones that I decided I just had to read everything by them was April Henry, I've read four of her books now, and by the second I was in love.

The Girl Who Was Supposed to DieThe Girl I Used to BeGirl, Stolen (Girl, Stolen #1)The Night She Disappeared

And Nicola Yoon. Now with Nicola, she wrote Everything, Everything and I just fell in love with it. Enough so that I just have to read her other one 

Everything, EverythingThe Sun Is Also a Star

But there have been many others. 

If I read a whole series by someone and love it, and they have more series I will almost always add the first book to every series they wrote. Like with Maria V. Snyder, I read Poison Study and finished the whole series and I added all the rest

Poison Study (Study, #1)Inside Out (Insider, #1)Storm Glass (Glass, #1)


I don't add every single book by a newly discovered author. I do though have automatic add authors. I have quite a few... Once I fall in love with the writing style of an author I know anything they write will be for me. Authors like Marissa Meyer, Rae Carson, Jessi Kirby, and Barry Lyga. I have loved all that I have read by these authors. I will add simply because it is their book. 

Marissa Meyer Rae Carson Jessi Kirby   Barry Lyga

I do have many more too, those are just who came to mind. More recently I have discovered a love for Rachel Caine and Rachel Vincent. E. Lockhart, Maureen Johnson I have a love for too. 

Rachel Caine Rachel Vincent  E. Lockhart Maureen Johnson

Now some of these authors I have read one or two that I didn't care for much but for the most part, I love them. So yes I will add a book simply because of the author. Of course, I do also add simply for the title and cover love too. I just like adding books because I love having a variety of books. I do not think I have ever discovered an author and then added every single book of theirs onto my TBR. I will go and check out their earlier books and see if any of them fancy me...I know strange I will add simply on the author but not go and add every single one of their books. 

So what about you? Do you add every book by a newly discovered beloved author or add a book simply on who the author is?


  1. For newly discovered authors, no, I don't usually add all their books to my TBR. Sometimes I will go through their backlist and see if any of their other stories interest me. But I do have a small group of favorite authors and those automatically get added to my TBR. Sometimes I even preorder them before I even really know what the book is about!

  2. I don't have too many auto-buy authors, but I do have a few like V.E. Schwab, Leigh Bardugo, and Kristin Hannah. I'll definitely automatically buy any new books they have coming out.

  3. I know a lot of people have auto-buy authors, but I don't have any. No matter how much I LOVE some books/series by an author, I still make my decisions based on each individual book, what it's about, if it sounds like it'll be for me. However, liking other books I've read by an author can make me more interested in their other books and tip the scales if I'm on the fence. So I do sometimes end up reading books that I otherwise might not have.

  4. I don’t have any auto-buy authors, but I do have some favorites. If they announce a new book, I’ll read the synopsis and see if it’s interesting. I’ve never added an author’s whole backlist to my TBR, unless their backlist is only 2 or 3 books.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  5. If I like an UF author and she writes a new UF series or a horror or apocalypse one, I'll probably try it if the blurb sounds good. I won't read that author in genres that don't interest me or if I don't like the sound of the book.
