Friday, March 23, 2018

Bookish Banter: Challenge Accepted or Denied?

A little Bookish Banter to get us through.  Bookish Banter is a little bit of banter about our bookish thoughts as we have a friendly discussion over a nice cup of tea. 

Do you participate in any reading challenges? If so which ones do you have fun with?

I do! I participate in the seasonal reading challenge.
I have a love hate relationship with this challenge for a few reasons.
The first is because I feel like I absolutely have to finish it. So then I get panicky thinking that I don't have enough time to finish it. And then it's just a little less fun.
Not too much less though, it's still fun.

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The other reason I have a love hate relationship with it, is because I feel like I have to follow the books exactly. I love having a list to pick off of, because I have too many to try to pick from. But then I get new books and I don't have time to read them.
I'm going to have to start doing like Jenn and making a list on goodreads of next seasons hopefuls.

The other challenge that I just discovered, that I haven't actually started, but I'm pretty excited about is called Play Book Tag.
And each month they choose a "theme" that you read a book that follows it.
Plus they have extra challenges that you can participate in to be put into a raffle to win fun stuff.

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So that's exciting. I'm going to try to use the books for both of them, so we'll see how it goes.

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Yes, Yes I do. I am so glad you asked. I am obsessed with the seasonal reading challenge I participate in. 

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I love it! I have been participating in this challenge since 2011 I think... I haven't done every season and last year I didn't really do any at all. But for the most part, I participate. For the first  3 or 4 years, I always finished the ones I participated in but lately, it's been harder. With blogging, working, reading, and life... I don't get through as many books as I would like. What can you do when life just happens. 

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I participate in this challenge specifically because I have parameters to stay within. I am good at being told what to do. Many times I look at my books and have no clue what to read or how to pick my next read... so this challenge helps. I love the part of finding the right books to fit the tasks, it help me get out of comfort zone, and it gives me a 3 month plan of books to read without making a no wiggle room schedule. So yes I love it. 

I try to do more audio than physical. This helps me get through the challeng. I also try to fit in all my ARCs for the season. This also in turn helps me to read my ARCs on time. So win win for everyone. 

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I have tried other challenges I see among blogs. And I do follow them but forget to post about my udpates so I just quit doing them. Maybe I will try again one day but not today. The Seasonal Reading Challenge keeps me quite busy. 

So what challenges do you accept? Why do you choose the challenges you participate in?


  1. I like challenges, but I don't like stressing too much, so I try to choose ones that are longer and I can match up my existing TBR to, so I don't have to find a ton of new books to fit them. The ones I'm doing this year are a backlist challenge and a nonfiction challenge.

  2. I'm participating in several this year mainly just because they tied in nicely with goals I already had in mind for 2018 - reading more debut authors, more new releases, doing more discussion posts, and tackling my backlist.

  3. i used to do that challenge but never got close to finishing as too many questions involved stuff like poetry, plays and classics which never interested me. I only do my own challenges as I hate following too many rules!

  4. I love challenges, but I get overwhelmed if I do too many. This year, I’m doing the PopSugar and Read Harder challenges. I doubt I’ll finish them, but I’ll happily try.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  5. I used to do all of the ones I came across when I started blogging. 24hr readathon? NO PROBLEM! Who needs sleep anyways? An ABC readathon challenge? I'm sure I have a book title for every letter... Challenge accepted! A week long challenge to get as many blog posts typed up and on stand-by for down the road? YES, PLEASE!
    ... Now, not so much. Ha! I see the challenges and they sound like fun, and then I remember that I got a lot of stuff going on and I will only get frustrated if I don't even make it through one book during the challenge. So instead, I read everyone's challenge posts and I just continue on with my tortoise speed. I need to find a low key challenge that doesn't lock me into reading a specific book (my tastes change every day) or put too much pressure on me.

    1. Okay, but what is an ABC readathon and where can I find it?! Lol
