Friday, February 16, 2018

Bookish Banter: Where Does Your Bookstore Stroll Take You?

A little Bookish Banter to get us through.  Bookish Banter is a little bit of banter about our bookish thoughts as we have a friendly discussion over a nice cup of tea. 

Where do you bookstore roam?
What section do you go to first, when you go to the bookstore? 

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For me, it really depends, do I have Finn with me? If I have Finn with me, we usually go to the kiddos section first. We kinda hang out there for a bit, if John is there too, he usually hangs out there with Finn while I wander off.
Then I will go to the little section that has Funkos and collectibles, then games and humor books. Making my way to either the YA section or the graphic novels section.

If it's just me, I usually go straight to YA. But like I said, I also like the graphic novels, the humor, and now the mythology section has caught my eye. So I guess it really just depends on who I'm with and why I'm going there. 

Sometimes I have something specific that I'm there for. Whether it be a book for Finn (Head to children's), a puzzle (Games), a book for me (Usually YA), or if I'm looking for a specific book, I'll just go there. 


I usually go in with a list I want and see if they have those too. I like to know before I go in what books I want and make sure they are not on audio. I prefer to get the audio if they have it because I get through those so much faster. 

If I decide to get coffee before looking at books. I stop at the cafe first. I liked to have my coffee in hand while browsing. Then I head straight to the YA section. I start from the first set of shelves which is Adventure, then Fantasy and Sci-Fi, then Contemporary and Thrillers, then Romance last. 

Once I have my books picked out I generally will go check on Finn in the children's section. Do a little checking out the books they have featured for the month, pick out a couple for Finn. After that, I just roam. Sometimes I go look at cozy mysteries or thrillers in the adult section, sometimes I check out the board games,  I always check out all the tables they have featured stuff on.... and sometimes I check out journals before I head to the cashier. 

One last stop on the way to pay for my goodies... I check out the bookmarks that are in the center aisle of the pay line. I love to get magnetic bookmarks. 

...and that is my bookstore tour of Barnes and Noble.

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So do you have a plan when you enter the bookstore? A safe route? A mapped out trip? Or do you just roam freely?

Let's start a discussion?

1 comment:

  1. I love how you both go through a huge process when you visit the bookstore. XD For me, I just go straight to YA, then I occasionally head off to the cafe to get a quick drink if I feel like it!

    - Aimee @ Aimee, Always
