Monday, February 26, 2018

Bookish Banter: Where do you go to discover new reads?

A little Bookish Banter to get us through.  Bookish Banter is a little bit of banter about our bookish thoughts as we have a friendly discussion over a nice cup of tea. 


I mostly use Goodreads to find new books. There are several lists for new books coming out, and I can find books similar to ones I already loved. So I think it's the easiest way of doing so.

Here are a few lists of new books for 2018, in case Y'all needed some new reads!

I also have been looking on Netgalley and Edelweiss to find new books to review. I have found a bunch that I had never heard of there. So that's pretty exciting to me. Especially if I get approved for them and get them for a review!

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I have been going to several people's blogs and commenting and I love the Stacking the Shelves, Top Ten Tuesday, and Waiting on Wednesday posts the most, because they usually have a bunch of books I haven't heard of.

Once again, I am not a person of many words. I don't have anything else to say.


I find most of my new reads on Goodreads. I have a few lists I check out. There are ya book release lists for each month of the year. Most of the time when I am on these lists, I look for a couple of main things and then just add. I look for the author, series, and a cool title or book cover. I add the books and then later I will read the synopsis. Sometimes I don't  have the time to look through every summary. Of course, that is why my TBR is a mountain! 

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 I also Goodreads recommendations, the list that shows up for similar books, and the genre surf for new releases.  Other than Goodreads I use blogs. Waiting on Wednesday and monthly release posts give me so many new reads... Bloggers are my best friends. 

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 NetGalley and Edelweiss are good sources too.  Even if I do t get approved for a book or even request it I discover lots of new books. and last but not least, I also roam the bookstore aisles and use Amazon for new releases and similar reads of books I have bought or read. 

How do you find your new reads?


  1. I mostly use Goodreads, too! When I go through the giveaways, I usually find some interesting titles. Of course, I also find tons of new books from other blogs! Especially if a blogger is raving about something, it makes me want to read it, too!

  2. Mostly I find new books to read on other people's blogs. I have PLENTY of amazing recommendations there!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  3. Yep, I'm a Goodreads addict too! It's easy to find hundreds of popular books on there. I also use NetGalley.

    Vee @ Under The Mountain
