Sunday, February 18, 2018

Book Tag: 20 Questions

This fun tag was found at  Reading Addicted

1) How many books are too many books in a book series?

Ash: Anything above 7 really. I prefer more like 3-5 but the cap is definitely 7...

Jenn: I agree with Ash, I don't like anything above 7... really I like 3-5 too. Yes, we are similar in many ways.

2) How do you feel about cliffhangers?

AshI'm pretty sure most people HATE cliffhangers. Especially if it's a book we have to wait an entire year (Sometimes more!) to come out
Jenn: I don't mind cliffhangers if I am expecting them and the second book is already out. If I read a review that says there is a cliffhanger I will usually wait to read it until the next book is released. 

3) Hardcopy or paperback?

AshI like Hardcovers when it comes to leatherback books. I love the way they look. As far as reading goes I definitely prefer paperback, it's just more comfortable

Jenn: I like to carry around paperbacks and read paperback because they are easier to hold. But hardcovers look nice on my shelves and usually have the bigger print... so they are better for my old eyes. 

4) Favorite book?

AshUgh, how is this something that you could even think about asking bibliophiles?? I can't pick. I guess a safe thing to say would be ANYTHING Alice in Wonderland. Yes, anything.

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

Jenn:  I don't have a favorite book. I have some favorite series... my number one favorite series today is the Lunar Chronicles. That may change as more books come out. 
5) Least favorite book?

AshI have a few. I think the first thing that comes to mind is Emma. I really really hated this book. With a bitter passion.


Jenn: hmmm I don't really have one. I either like it or love it or just don't. If i don't like the book I will not put in a category to see if I hate it more than other books I didn't like. 

6) Love triangles, yes or no?

AshLove triangles were fun when I was like.. 15. Now I'm just annoyed by them. It just seems so juvenile

Jenn:  I prefer no love triangles. I usually end up liking both the choices and then I just get sad when one gets hurt. I also find them frustrating and just overdone. I will see some in stories they do make sense and I don't mind them... but still prefer them not to exist. Just makes girls seem fickle. 

7) The most recent book you just couldn’t finish?

AshI have this one book that I got from Netgalley. I am trying so hard to finish it so I can do a review. It's only like 150 pages, so I'm hoping I can just muster through it, so I can at least say I finished it and give a review.


Jenn: That would be The Tombs by Deborah Schaumberg

The Tombs

8) A book you’re currently reading?

AshI have a few.. as usual...

Your One & OnlyThe Missing HoursWires and Nerve, Volume 1 (Wires and Nerve, #1)Mind Games (Mind Games, #1)

Jenn: Oh I have a couple too...

Heart of IronThe Final SixPitch Dark

9) Last book you recommended to someone?

AshI recommended Darkest Minds to my husband. And I recommended Ready Player One to a friend who was asking about it. Does that count??

The Darkest Minds (The Darkest Minds, #1)Ready Player One (Ready Player One, #1)

Jenn: I think  I recommended Bad Girls with Perfect Faces to Ash and I recommended Juniper Lemon's Happiness Index to a co-worker. 

Juniper Lemon's Happiness IndexBad Girls with Perfect Faces

10) Oldest book you’ve read? (Publication date)

AshEeash... Frankenstein published January 1st, 1818


Jenn: Same. It would be Frankenstein 

11) Newest book you’ve read? (Publication date)

AshI'm surprised this is the newest book I've read... Published September 26, 2017

There's Someone Inside Your House

Jenn: It would be White Rabbit by Caleb Roehrig 

White Rabbit

12) Favorite author?

AshOkay that's near impossible. My newest favorite author is April Henry. I've read four books by her and have loved every one of them.

Jenn: I have quite a few. I do love Marissa Meyer and Melissa Marr and Rae Carson. 

13) Buying books or borrowing books?

AshWell.. If I had unlimited money.. buying, of course. But I'm okay with borrowing so I can figure out which ones I love enough to buy.

Jenn: I love to buy books. Sometimes I think I like to buy and collect more than I like to read. Borrowing works too though... especially if I am broke. 

14) A book you dislike that everyone else seems to love?

AshAnything Sarah Dessen at this point. It's too teenage romance-y to me. 

Jenn: The divergent series. Just couldn't get into it. 

15) Bookmarks or dog-ears?

AshBookmarks if I remember them. Most of my books are dog-eared though. And I love how used books look. So I don't mind the creases and rips and all that.

Jenn: I dog-ear everything... but I love bookmarks and if I have one readily available. I will use a bookmark. Doesn't seem they are anywhere in sight when I need them. 

16) A book you can always reread?

AshLike I said up there, Alice and any Alice retellings.

Jenn: hmm. I am not much of a re-reader. I think I could reread the Lunar Chronicles though. 

17) Can you read while hearing music?

AshI can. I can read and sing to music at the same time. We're actually going to make a post about that. So thanks for the spoiler on that!

Jenn: Nope I can't I will start singing and there goes all that I read. 

18) One POV or multiple POV’s? (POV’s = Point of views)

AshIt depends on the book, but I usually like 1 or 2 POVs. If it's anything more than that it can get just a little confusing.

Jenn: I have always enjoyed multiple POVs the best. I like to get in everyone's head. 

19) Do you read a book in one sitting or over multiple days?

AshAgain, depends on the book. There were been a few books that I finish in one sitting or a couple hours. Then there's a few that it takes me way too long to finish. Embarrassingly long.

Jenn: I love to read as much as I can in one sitting. However, that is usually not an easy feat for me with my busy life. So its multiple days for me. 

20) Who do you tag?


Jenn: Anyone who wants to play along! 



  1. I’m not a fan of Sarah Dessen or Divergent, so you guys aren’t alone. I like owning hardcovers, but reading them kills my wrists. Holding paperbacks is a lot easier.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  2. Thanks for doing the tag guys! The books you are currently reading look fascinating, I hope you're enjoying them!

    Tanya @ Rantings of a Reading Addict
