Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday: Things I love because I love books!

Top Ten is an original feature/weekly meme created here at
The Broke and the Bookish that features a great bookish top ten every week.

Top Ten things I adore and find joy in because I love books! 

Jenn's Answer

This one sounds so much fun. So many delights I have.. some may seem strange but then again maybe not... 

1. The smell of a book. Anytime I buy a book I flip through the pages as I sniff. I love the smell. New, old, or bookstore, or library. I just love the smell.

2. Holding a new book in my hands, taking a deep breath, petting the cover, all while anticipating opening it up and diving in. 

3. The feel of a library. I just love the way it feels to walk into a library. So many books. So much knowledge.  A bunch of awaiting adventures. All at my fingertips. 

4. Discovering a new used book store. The smaller, the older, the better. I love the ones with natural wood still through out the store. Wooden staircases and open second stories that look down on the first floor. Great view of all the ever loved books. 

Image result for used book storesImage result for used book storesImage result for used book stores

5. Finishing a favorite series and then having all the pretty books of said series sitting in my shelf. All pretty like. 

6. Magnetic bookmarks. In every shape size and color. I love to collect them. 

7. When A book I have read and loved gets turned into a movie. I know some don't like this but I do. I never compare. I enjoy them as two separate things. SO I can have more of my beloved characters and loved story. 

8. Finding other fangirls of my favorite reads. Talking about them and rehashing every moment of that read. 

9. A long anticipated book is released on audio on book  release date  work and totally drown in the story. 

10. All the bookish things. Socks, notebooks, home decor, jewelry... all of it... all the bookish things. 


  1. Yes! All this! I work in one of those bookstores. No balcony but the tall tall wood shelves and random unmatching furniture. We have a lot of old, old books but we also carry new. People walk in all the time and breath deep and say that it smells like BOOKS. I 'get' those people. When we get in old books I have to go sniff them and just think of all the history on that book. It's like so amazing that I actually tear up. I'm such a book petter too. When the new books come in I have to go pet them all. ;)

    1. Oh I am so jealous. Would love to visit this store.

      I have been laughed at by daughter, son , and hubby for my book petting.Its a compulsion though. I just can't help it.

  2. Oh yes!! I love pretty much all these! Movie adaptations are a double ended sword that bring joy and terror! LOL! Not much of an audio book reader but pretty much love the rest of these as well! :D

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. they are a double edge sword but I have learned if I go in with no expectations, I am much happier in the end.

  3. Magnetic bookmarks are the best! Especially the cute ones of course. :D
