Thursday, April 7, 2016

Thoughts For Thursday: Bookish Gifts

Just the random thoughts or Jenn and Ash. What they want to talk about what they hate, what they love, what's on their mind.

Everyone on this bookish blog community know that bookish gifts are great. I love them. Ash loves them. We are obsessed with anything bookish so we thought.... (since its my birthday) we should make a list of bookish gifts we think are awesome to give or to receive. We can then talk about how cool they are and why we love them.

So some of my favorite things are....

socks, jewelry, home decor, and mugs.... I really love anything that is library or fairytale, or classic related. so here are some of my favorites...

So love these socks. I would wear them everyday. Okay not really but I would wear them every time I washed them. I don't know why I have an obsession with socks but I do and these are the coolest. 

Mugs Mugs and more Mugs. I love mugs... Coffee and Tea. SO I am always on the lookout for mugs. Our cabinets are croweded but still need more. I love the Edgar Allen Poe collage and the awesome overdue mug. of course the other has tea and books... win win. 


Home Decor.  Another passion of mine. Decorating my home. 

O love the quite I still believe in 398.2 in fact I am going to get that tattoo... so why not a pillow too. The clock is perfect for any book lover... what time is it... time to read duh. 


Jewelry... What girl doesn't want jewelry... right. especially nerd jewelry 


Here are the things I found that I absolutely adore.. 

I usually have "themed" Christmas gifts for everyone, makes it more fun and a little easier on me, this last Christmas the theme for Jenn, was literary items. So this should be easy enough for me..

I actually got these for her for Christmas.. 

For all the tea lovers such as myself

Some Jewelry...

Home Decor....

and of course some more mugs...

Some other random stuff...

So what do you think. Do you love bookish gifts. Are you as obsessed as we are.....


  1. Oh my god, these are wonderful! They made me go crazy just looking at them. I love the socks and have seen them on my favorite bookish store online, Out of Print. The mugs and jewelry are adorable!

  2. I would love to be able to buy all the bookish things!!! My whole house would look like a book-lovers parade went through. There are just so many ways to go with that stuff.... library stuff, fandom stuff, quotes, etc. I love the card catalog socks!! I ordered them for my secret sister last year and SO wanted to keep them. Cool compilation :)
