Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Waiting on Wednesday: Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo

Waiting On Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

Jenn's Pick :I Can't wait for:

Six of Crows (The Dregs, #1)
Six Of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
September 29th 2015

Ketterdam: a bustling hub of international trade where anything can be had for the right price—and no one knows that better than criminal prodigy Kaz Brekker. Kaz is offered a chance at a deadly heist that could make him rich beyond his wildest dreams. But he can't pull it off alone...

A convict with a thirst for revenge.

A sharpshooter who can't walk away from a wager.

A runaway with a privileged past.

A spy known as the Wraith.

A Heartrender using her magic to survive the slums. 

A thief with a gift for unlikely escapes. 

Six dangerous outcasts. One impossible heist. Kaz's crew is the only thing that might stand between the world and destruction—if they don't kill each other first.
I havne't read this author before... though I intended too.... but this one sound really really good, I don't want to put it off like her other series. It sounds between sci fi, western, and thriller.


  1. I loved her Shadow and Bone series, so I'm looking forward to reading this one! :)

  2. I haven't read this author before either. It sounds interesting. I hope you enjoy reading it.
    Thanks for stopping by My WoW earlier.

  3. Oh yes! Definitely looking forward to this one too!

    Here's my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  4. I am sooooo excited about this book!!! (just like everyone else, I guess)

    Kate @ Ex Libris

  5. Oh it does sound good! Can't wait until you review it!
    Trish - tales from trish

  6. We don't have to wait to much longer for this one!
