Saturday, April 25, 2015

Ash's Dewey's 24 Hour ReadAThon

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What Ash will be reading!

 InsanityPerfect Ruin (Internment Chronicles, #1)Cloaked in RedReboot (Reboot, #1)18883231Curtsies & Conspiracies (Finishing School, #2)1123571218602341

Ash's Opening Meme
1) What fine part of the world are you reading from today? Texas!
2) Which book in your stack are you most looking forward to? Curtsies and Conspiracies. 

3) Which snack are you most looking forward to? All of them. And coffee.
4) Tell us a little something about yourself! I'm a single mom. I'm a huge geek! I'm also a photographer. 
5) If you participated in the last read-a-thon, what’s one thing you’ll do different today? If this is your first read-a-thon, what are you most looking forward to? Space out my caffeine intake. Last year I kind of had my coffee all in the morning then crashed at about 3 am.

My Email for Contact:

First Hour:
I woke up late. And then showered. So no first hour for me.

Second hour:
Well crap, no second hour for me either. I'm not very good at this.

Mini Challenge! 
Classic Words of Wisdom
So, for this challenge, you need to create a post highlighting your favorite "Classic Words of Wisdom" and then explain their meaning to you. 

I have a couple from Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carrol

“I don't think..." then you shouldn't talk, said the Hatter.” 

I like this one a lot, because a lot of times, I say things without thinking.

“Everything is funny, if you can laugh at it.”

Kind of how I get through life, if you can laugh at it, then everything is okay.

Third hour:

This mini challenge is to convey the four seasons in four book covers, by colour, title, author, cover, or something a little less obvious. 

My Spring/Summer/Fall/Winter

Fourth Hour: 

Reading: 17978095
Finn reading: 

Mini challenge: 

Goodreads scavenger hunt

The clue given to me: Clue: a popular dystopian series told from two different points of view, where the book titles describe a character in each book 

Answer: I have no idea. Help me.

My clue:
Classic Retelling with a twist
Shows a gingham dress on the front

The second book just came out

Any ideas?

Fifth Hour: 
Mini challenge!

1.  Book title and author: The Wicked will Rise by Danielle Paige
2.  Character name and brief description: Amy Gumm. An outcast from her hometown, she is someone who does not let people in easily. She has pink hair (originally blonde) And she wears jeans will holes in them, and converse.
3.  Actor name (pictures are great too): Chloe Grace Moretz
4.  Tell me why you picked that actor: Because of this picture :
5.  How can I contact you? Email is fine, or you can comment on my instagram 

Sixth Hour:

Took a break to go get lunch! 
Now I'm back and listening to The Wicked will Rise by Danielle Paige on audio.

Mini Challenge:

Choose an image (or song) that makes you think of the main character, an important plot point, the book's theme, the setting, or any other story-related element that triggers your imagination.

Oh this is going to be fun! I'm reading (listening to..) The Wicked will Rise by Danielle Paige.
Here are the images I found:

Seventh hour:
 Still listening to The wicked will rise..

Mini challenge!

This challenge is a treasure hunt. Just find a book with one of the listed items on the cover. 
A Tree, Snow, and a weapon!

Eighth hour:
Apparently I can't pay attention during audio books. So I went back to reading Insanity. I only have about 25 pages left!!

Mini challenge:

Here's mine:

Deadly design,
Perfect Ruin,
Deadly little games.

Cloaked in red,
Born at midnight.

Written in the stars,
the wicked will rise.

Lame. I know.

Ninth Hour:
I haven't read anymore (I did hour 8 at the end of the hour, and now I'm dealing with a certain toddler)
BUT I plan on finishing insanity. I hope.

Mini challenge!
On food and books

I'm not very good at coming up with recipes on the spot
But I thought of a couple for Alice in Wonderland..

Sugar cookies decorated like playing cards?
Mushroom cupcakes. And I mean regular cupcakes decorated like a mushroom!
Also this is cool..
Cheshire Cat Tails

Just marshmellows covered in frosting to look like cheshire cats tail.

Not very original I know..

Tenth Hour:

So I still have not finished Insanity. I'm really not good at this. Though I am posting for 2 people and chasing around a toddler. Actually, with that in mind, I am pretty good at this..

Mini Challenge!
Plan a bookish party!

What book is your party themed around? Alice in Wonderland!
What food will you serve? Mini sandwiches, cookies, cupcakes..
What’s your signature drink? Lavender Green tea!
What games will you play? Croquet, "rose" painting
What party favors will you send home with your guests? Teacups, playing cards, keys...

My party is based on Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carrol. Can you tell I really love Alice? It is a tea party!
Vintage Alice in Wonderland Tea Party // Hostess with the Mostess®  Alice in wonderland pastels theme birthday party ideasHanging teacups!  A novel garden party, outdoor wedding idea or Alice in Wonderland themed bachelorette party!Whimsical Alice in Wonderland Birthday Party. DecorationsWhimsical Alice In Wonderland Inspiration. Ruffled – photo by – at an Alice in Wonderland Party #aliceinwonderland #partycupcakesTea party cookies - quirky idea, would be lovely at Alice in Wonderland themed party tooQueen of Hearts / Alice in Wonderland Party Ideas | yvonnebyattsfamilyfunAlice in Wonderland Cake Pops Mad Hatter Tea party ideas- gaaaaa cake pops you have found my kryptonite!!! Curse thee!Hot or iced, our Serenity Lavender Tea is the perfect afternoon retreat. Enjoy a fresh brew of lavender, rosemary and mint & celebrate some "you" time. #Scentspired by our Pearl Scent in Serenity!Fairytale Inspired Engagement Photos - Alice in Wonderland Engagement Session Apparel Inspiration Woods Love Couple Wedding  would love to shoot my next couple like this!   Irina Reichert Photography


  1. Enjoy your day! I am excited to hear how it ends up!
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

  2. LOVE the pictures for your Alice and Wonderland party!! I hope you have a great second half of the readathon!

  3. Good luck with your readathon! I hope you get to Denton Little's Deathdate-it sounds so good! Love the photos! :)
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian
