Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Temporarily Away

I am so sorry I have not been active in the last week and barely so the weeks before. My life has been temporarily interrupted by a flood in my home. A little over three weeks ago my house had a rain storm from my second floor. I was out of my house for the last 3 weeks with very limited or no access to the computer. I am now back in my home and putting everything back together. So I will be absent til the end of this week and hopefully back on this weekend. I am so sorry, I miss my blogging and my reading and can't wait to get back to my normal life. On a positive note... no books were harmed in the flood. 


  1. Oh wow, I am so sorry to hear about your house. I'm glad that you are back home now, but I hope everything is going to be fixed for you soon. Sending happy thoughts your way.

  2. What a rotten thing to happen. So sorry. Glad your books were safe, however. Hope you can set your life back in order soon.
