Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Teaser Tuesday #102 and Top Ten Tuesday #92

Teaser Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by Should Be Reading. Bloggers choose two
sentences out of our current read to peak others' curiosity.

Sunrise (Ashfall, #3)

Sunrise by Mike Mullin


The Yellowstone supervolcano nearly wiped out the human race. Now, almost a year after the eruption, the survivors seem determined to finish the job. Communities wage war on each other, gangs of cannibals roam the countryside, and what little government survived the eruption has collapsed completely. The ham radio has gone silent. Sickness, cold, and starvation are the survivors' constant companions.

When it becomes apparent that their home is no longer safe and adults are not facing the stark realities, Alex and Darla must create a community that can survive the ongoing disaster, an almost impossible task requiring even more guts and more smarts than ever — and unthinkable sacrifice. If they fail . . . they, their loved ones, and the few remaining survivors will perish.

This epic finale has the heart of Ashfall, the action of Ashen Winter, and a depth all its own, examining questions of responsibility and bravery, civilization and society, illuminated by the story of an unshakable love that transcends a post-apocalyptic world and even life itself.
I flew down the roof face first, my outstretched gloves throwing stinging particles of snow and ice into my face. I dug my hands in, trying to slow my descent, but all too soon I had reached the edge of the roof. 

Top Ten is an original feature/weekly meme created here at
The Broke and the Bookish that features a great bookish top ten every week.

My Top Ten Books most Unique Reads. 

I chose books for many different reasons... could be unique in characters, storyline, for the genre, the writing style, or just because they were crazy. 

UngiftedDragonbreath (Dragonbreath, #1)No One Else Can Have YouThe In-BetweenDangerous GirlsFairy Godmothers, Inc.Every DayMonster High (Monster High, #1)I Hunt Killers (Jasper Dent, #1)Kill Me Softly


  1. I like the teaser! I should add this to my wishlist.

  2. Dangerous Girls was definitely unique -- really enjoyed that one!
    Jen @ YA Romantics

  3. I Hunt Killers and No One Else Can Have You are perfect for this list! Can't believe I didn't think of them! Great picks!

    Here's My TTT

  4. OOoh nice tease! That's definitely suspenseful!

    These reads here are pretty much all new to me!

    Here's my Tuesday post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  5. I so almost put I Hunt Killers on my list this week. It's definitely an awesome idea for a book. And I loved it!! I really want to read The In-Between and Dangerous Girls. They both look like books I would love. Great list... No One Else Can Have You sounds like it has a super unique style to it... but I've heard so many mixed things, I'm honestly scared to read it. I do love that cover though!

    My TTT
