Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Teaser Tuesday #96 and Top Ten Tuesday #86

Teaser Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by Should Be Reading. Bloggers choose two
sentences out of our current read to peak others' curiosity.

Ashfall (Ashfall, #1)

Ashfall by Mike Mullin


Under the bubbling hot springs and geysers of Yellowstone National Park is a supervolcano. Most people don't know it's there. The caldera is so large that it can only be seen from a plane or satellite. It just could be overdue for an eruption, which would change the landscape and climate of our planet.

For Alex, being left alone for the weekend means having the freedom to play computer games and hang out with his friends without hassle from his mother. Then the Yellowstone supervolcano erupts, plunging his hometown into a nightmare of darkness, ash, and violence. Alex begins a harrowing trek to seach for his family and finds help in Darla, a travel partner he meets along the way. Together they must find the strength and skills to survive and outlast an epic disaster.

I retched, bringing up nothing but scalding stomach acid. When I was done trying to vomit, I dug a crude hole with my staff and buried the dead rabbit.

Top Ten is an original feature/weekly meme created here at
The Broke and the Bookish that features a great bookish top ten every week.

Top Ten Sequels I'm Dying To Read

The Treatment (The Program, #2)Breakable (Contours of the Heart, #2)Rebel (Reboot, #2)Blood Of My Blood (Jasper Dent #3)In the End (In the After, #2)City of Heavenly Fire (The Mortal Instruments, #6)The Shadow Throne (The Ascendance Trilogy, #3)Sisters' Fate (The Cahill Witch Chronicles, #3)Starling (Secrets of the Eternal Rose, #3)In a Handful of Dust (Not a Drop to Drink, #2)


  1. I didn't even know about Breakable and A Handful of Dust! Now I'm excited to read them too! Happy Tuesday :)

  2. That does not sound pretty. Poor rabbit.

    Interesting top ten. I don't think I've read their previous books though :/

    My TT

  3. Great top ten! Interesting teaser too.

  4. Ooh nice teaser! Wonder what happened prior to all that and the poor rabbit.

    These are pretty much all new to me! Hope you get to read them soon!

    Here's my Tuesday post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  5. That actually sounds pretty interesting.
