Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Teaser Tuesday #89 and Top Ten Tuesday #79

Teaser Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by Should Be Reading. Bloggers choose two
sentences out of our current read to peak others' curiosity.

Better late than Never!

No One Else Can Have YouTeaser: 

Mrs. Klitch lives in a creepy house on an otherwise deserted street, and has all these homemade sculptures of dragons and dinosaurs and children in her yard. Kids call her Klitch the Witch.

No One Else Can Have You by Kathleen Hale


Small towns are nothing if not friendly. Friendship, Wisconsin (population: 688) is no different. Around here, everyone wears a smile. And no one ever locks their doors. Until, that is, high school sweetheart Ruth Fried is found murdered. Strung up like a scarecrow in the middle of a cornfield.

Unfortunately, Friendship’s police are more adept at looking for lost pets than catching killers. So Ruth’s best friend, Kippy Bushman, armed with only her tenacious Midwestern spirit and Ruth’s secret diary (which Ruth’s mother had asked her to read in order to redact any, you know, sex parts), sets out to find the murderer. But in a quiet town like Friendship—where no one is a suspect—anyone could be the killer.

Top Ten is an original feature/weekly meme created here at
The Broke and the Bookish that features a great bookish top ten every week.

My Top Ten Bookish Goals For 2014

1. more commenting. I love my book blogging community and I need to let them know more often. I read, I lurk, I don't always speak. Sometimes I just don't have a comment. Working on that. 

2. Review, Review, Review! I sometimes get on a roll and I sometimes don't. I often wait too long to review and the review seems hard to put into words. So review more often and more quickly.

3. Read, Read, Read, and Review, Review Review! Again, but this time I mean for my review copies. I need to read the ones I have and stop getting off track. I have such a bad case for book ADD. I need to concentrate on finishing books and then reviewing them. 

4. Update my blog. I am way behind on my review archive. I would also love to go back to old reviews and spice them up to match my newer review format. 

5.  Add reviews to Goodreads and Amazon. I am really bad about this. 

6. Broaden my horizons just a bit more. I have started to read more middle grade books but I would like to try more new adult and adult. 

7. Read more books from my shelves. I have so many I couldn't wait to get my hands on then I did and nope still haven't read them. 

8.  Challenges. I have always wanted to and intended too but never kept up with them. So I am going to do my best this year. 

9. Re-read some of my favorites. I always say I will and never do. I need to visit some old friends. 

10. Just read more. Last year was a very busy year and my reading time went down. I hope to spend more time reading this year.


  1. I tend to forget to post my reviews on Amazon and B&N. I already post them on Goodreads, why I can't remember to post them on the other sites, I have no idea! Partially lazy, maybe? It's time consuming to have to log in to each and every account. At one point I thought I would do that, but ended up not since some of my earlier reviews are kinda sucky! ;)

    Here's my Tuesday post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. Great teaser...I haven't gotten to that one yet, but I've heard you'll either love it or hate it. Here's hoping we both love it! :) Those are some great goals for this year, too! Some of them made my list, especially that review archive and cross-posting reviews. Good luck!

  3. Great teaser and great goals! I don't know what I would do if I didn't review a book right after finishing it. I forget most books too fast. This week my teasers are from Meant to Be by Lauren Morrill and Grave Dance by Kalayna Price. Happy reading!

  4. Nice goals!! I want to read more too... and read books the books I have lying around before I go acquiring new ones!! I've seen that goal on most blogs I've visited today and think we are all guilty of it! I'm also bad at keeping up with my review archive and goodreads reviews. If I don't take like an hour a week to update my blog, it ends up severely behind.

    My TTT

  5. I am pretty good about putting reviews on Goodreads, Amazon, not so much. lol Good luck with the goals. And I like the teaser for No One Else Can Have You.
