Friday, January 10, 2014

Feature and Follow Friday #90

Feature Follow Friday is a weekly meme hosted by Rachel of Parajunkee and Alison of Alison Can Read!

Featured Blog:

Featured Question:

Q: Resolutions: Put together your blogger resolution list for all of us to see!

A: This has been a popular subject and was my top this week. so Here is my list again...

My Top Ten Bookish Goals For 2014

1. more commenting. I love my book blogging community and I need to let them know more often. I read, I lurk, I don't always speak. Sometimes I just don't have a comment. Working on that. 

2. Review, Review, Review! I sometimes get on a roll and I sometimes don't. I often wait too long to review and the review seems hard to put into words. So review more often and more quickly.

3. Read, Read, Read, and Review, Review Review! Again, but this time I mean for my review copies. I need to read the ones I have and stop getting off track. I have such a bad case for book ADD. I need to concentrate on finishing books and then reviewing them. 

4. Update my blog. I am way behind on my review archive. I would also love to go back to old reviews and spice them up to match my newer review format. 

5.  Add reviews to Goodreads and Amazon. I am really bad about this. 

6. Broaden my horizons just a bit more. I have started to read more middle grade books but I would like to try more new adult and adult. 

7. Read more books from my shelves. I have so many I couldn't wait to get my hands on then I did and nope still haven't read them. 

8.  Challenges. I have always wanted to and intended too but never kept up with them. So I am going to do my best this year. 

9. Re-read some of my favorites. I always say I will and never do. I need to visit some old friends. 

10. Just read more. Last year was a very busy year and my reading time went down. I hope to spend more time reading this year.


  1. Ooh nice set of resolutions! Good luck!

    Here's my Follow Friday

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. I add my reviews to Goodreads but not Amazon, that's a really good idea. Good luck with all of your resolutions and have a great week.

    My FF

    Lacie @ Rainy Dayz Reviewz

  3. Good set of resolutions! You put a lot of thought into yours. I kind of just threw mine together lol but I'm a newbie blogger so I wasn't too sure what to put! Commenting more is one of my top ones! Good luck on your resolutions! I'm an old follower via email but a new follower via gfc!:)

    Pivot Book Reviews FF

  4. I need to comment more too! I'm a big lurker, so that needs to change!

    New follower via GFC. Check mine out! :)

    My FF: Isabelle's Book Reviews

  5. Great resolutions! I have been working on many of the same things. I am hoping to make it through most of the books on my shelves this year! I made a big dent last year. I just find so many books I want to read! Wishing you the best of luck with your goals. :)

  6. Love your blog and great resolutions, I wish you luck!

    New follower via GFC

    Gizzimomo xx

  7. I like the resolutions. I have been trying to pick up the occasional adult book, and hope to do that more this year too. Good luck with them all. :)

  8. Great Resolutions! I wish you luck :)
    New follower via GFC
