Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Teaser Tuesday #84 and Top Ten Tuesday #74

Teaser Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by Should Be Reading. Bloggers choose two
sentences out of our current read to peak others' curiosity.

These Broken Stars (Starbound, #1)Teaser: 

I let my gaze slide away from hers, and I hear her breath catch as she stiffens. I can imagine her face closing over, but I can't let myself look at her. 

These Broken Stars by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner


It's a night like any other on board the Icarus. Then, catastrophe strikes: the massive luxury spaceliner is yanked out of hyperspace and plummets into the nearest planet. Lilac LaRoux and Tarver Merendsen survive. And they seem to be alone. 

Lilac is the daughter of the richest man in the universe. Tarver comes from nothing, a young war hero who learned long ago that girls like Lilac are more trouble than they’re worth. But with only each other to rely on, Lilac and Tarver must work together, making a tortuous journey across the eerie, deserted terrain to seek help. 

Then, against all odds, Lilac and Tarver find a strange blessing in the tragedy that has thrown them into each other’s arms. Without the hope of a future together in their own world, they begin to wonder—would they be better off staying here forever?

Everything changes when they uncover the truth behind the chilling whispers that haunt their every step. Lilac and Tarver may find a way off this planet. But they won’t be the same people who landed on it.

Top Ten is an original feature/weekly meme created here at
The Broke and the Bookish that features a great bookish top ten every week.

Top Ten Things I am Thankful For (in the book world)

1.  The world I live in because there is no stipulations, bans, or restrictions to what can be written. 
2. The authors that write the stories I love, the stories I have yet to love, and even the stories I wish I had loved. My world is better off because of their stories. 
3. Everyone else involved in the process of the story being written to the story being read. 
4. Librarians and libraries because they make it so much easier to read more and more books. 
5. Bloggers who lead me to more books, talk with me about books, and just make it possible to live in a book involved world. 
6. Followers because I love my voice to heard and the only way I know how to is on my blog. 
7. My family who provides me with books and gives me time to read my books. 
8. My fellow reader friends and my non reading friends. They put up with me and if they don't share my passion for books, well at least they try to pretend. 
9. Places that provide authors a chance to publish Their books without going through big time publishers. 
10. My Kindle because well I can store many many more books. 


  1. Lovely list! Without books, my life would be a whole lot grayer, too. I'm glad we live in this day and age, where it's easy to get our hands on great books. It's hard to believe there was a time when most families didn't own any books at all. The horror!

  2. Great list! I struggled to think of book ones but looking at your list I realise I just wasn't thinking hard enough. I don't know what I would do without books. Great choices.

  3. Oh nice bookish list!! I did a sort of half n half with mine! But I love all your items as well!

    Great tease too! Seeing a lot of this book going around!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  4. Great list! I chose to do a bookish list as well!

    Here's My TTT
